Let the games begin....

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Everyone cheered and clapped at you at the same time...while Quackity just closed his eyes and Fundy and Charlie walked up to him.

Fundy, comforted Quackity. While, Charlie started looking for Revivebur was no where to be seen.

Quackity: ISTG! He just wants her to be a new Goddess to make her manipulated and abuse her power!

Fundy: Shhh...we still don't have any ideas about that. But speaking of manipulate thing....Revivebur didn't even interrupt or blow up this place, is he stable?

Quackity: Tch, why should I care about that rat b*stard? All I need to care for is, Y/n right now and then!

Charlie: *comes back* So...no sign of Revivebur, any TNT or anything he just like escaped.

Quackity: WHAT?! That rat b*stard think he could just leave this place and not explode it?! It's a f*cking good thing no one is hurt or yea-


Quackity: whatever, I'm gonna find Y/n.

Quackity left Fundy ad Charlie for a while. As he was walking he saw you with The Goddess of Death and GeorgeHD talking and congratulating her for being the new Goddess. As Quackity walks up to you three he saw you're face you looked upset and disappointed at herself. Quackity hesitated a bit but walked up to the 3 gods...

Quackity: Excuse me, GeorgeHD and Goddess of Death, May I speak with Y/n?

Goddess of Death (Mumza): Oh...of course dear.

GeorgeHD: Alright.

Mumza (A/n: Yes, Imma call her Mumza instead since it's a bit weird calling her in her Goddess name) and GeorgeHD flew off to the other Gods, leaving you and Quackity.

Quackity: Are you feeling alright?

Y/n: a bit, why?

Quackity: I see you f*cking upset to yourself like, you don't want to take it.

Y/n: I do? 

Quackity: Hell yes.

Y/n: O-oh....

Quackity: Aright, what's wrong?

Y/n: Nothing's wrong just my head hurts (logic :))).

Quackity: WHAT?! Do you hear any voices or some sh*t?

Y/n: just some whispers-

Quackity: That f*cking XD! TOOK IT TOO FAR!

Quackity took out his axe and yells out for DreamXD. Everyone and the other Gods looked at you and Quackity.


DreamXD teleported next to you with fury (A/n: Not FURRY-) in his eyes.

DreamXD: What now, mere' mortal?!


DreamXD: Who? (You're Goddess Name)? What do you mean?

Quackity: Wha0 Who?!- F*ck it! Stop doing manipulative sh*t to her or everyone?

Chap 2: Fuck off! Big Q x F!Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now