Rekindle love (request)

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Takemichi and draken have been dating since they were middle school, and when they gotten dome with high school they soon moved in together when Takemichci was 18 and draken was 19. The two of them had a perfect and loving relationship or that what Takemichci thought until the one night she came home to tell draken some surprising new.

Takemichi " draken I have to tell you something amazing ... draken" Takemichci thought he was in their bedroom asleep when she walked into the bedroom her whole world had fallen apart.

Takemichi " what the heck is going on here" Takemichci had walked in one draken and Emma in bed together soon both of them looked at each other, and soon Takemichi.

Emma " take-Chan it not what you think"

Takemichi " get the hell out of my house now both of you get out now" soon Emma had gotten dressed quickly and soon ran out of the apartment but draken stayed there, he wanted to explain himself.

Draken " Takemichi I'm sorry it was mistake please I love you"

Takemichi " I'm pregnant you idiot I was going to tell you I'm pregnant now get out now"

Draken " please don't Takemichi we ..."

Takemichi " get out now" soon draken had gotten dressed and left the apartment Takemichi soon started crying about the whole matter.

Later on that day

Mikey " hey Takemichi draken told us what happen we came to see you"

Takemichi " ....."

Mitusya " we don't know if we should say congratulations or sorry"

Takemichi " him and Emma have been sleeping together behind my back I don't know for how long"

Chifuyu " it been for one month  they have been seeing each other"

Takemichi " how do you know"

Baji " we have been knowing for while he had caught draken in lie and he told us, we didn't think they will keep it going"

Takemichi " so all this time you didn't think hey maybe we should tell take-Chan her boyfriend is cheating on her with his friends sister"

Mikey " I didn't want to hurt you"

Takemichi " get out I never want to see any of you again"

Pah " Takemichi please we are sorry"

Takemichi " I said leave" Takemichi soon picked up a vase and toward it at a wall missing everyone head and soon enough they all left. It was a end of some friendship that day because Takemichi never talked to them again after that, or even looked at them when she spotted them in public.

Four years later

Takemichi decided to keep the baby and nine months later she had given birth to baby girl named akio, her and draken had made a co-parenting relationship for the sake of their daughter. Takemichci had gotten her business and cooking degrees when she was in college, draken got his engine and mechanical degrees as well. The two of are on speaking terms.

Takemichi " baby your dad will be here soon for your week with him"

Akio " coming mommy"

Takemichi " ......"

Draken " hey Takemichi is akio ready yet"

Takemichi " Almost"

Draken " super hey I was wondering if it will be find for me and the guys to take her to zoo this Friday"

Takemichi " sure"

Draken " the guys really miss you they wanted to know if you will come as well"

Takemichi " I can't I have work"

Draken " sure"

Akio " daddy you are hear im ready to go"

Draken " okay princess"

Akio " mommy can you come with us to zoo on Friday please"

Takemichi " baby I can't...."

Akio " please"

Takemichi " okay I will see what I can do pumpkin"

Akio " yeah" draken still loves Takemichi and he missed her so much he was doing very thing he could to win her back, but it seemed like it was making everything worst, she also to still miss him but felt betrayed.

At Friday

Takemichi " I thought you said the guys were coming as well"

Draken " well you know something came up for them so it just us three"

Akio " yeah" Akio was having a fun time at the zoo at the moment she was looking at some baby pandas, while Takemichi and Draken talked.

Draken " so have you been seeing anyone"

Takemichi " no you"

Draken " no I haven't"

Takemichi " you know I have forgive you since the day right"

Draken " no I didn't know I thought you still hated me"

Takemichi " no I don't hate you I just feel betrayed and hurt"

Draken " I'm sorry it was a mistake I hate"

Takemichi " I know" it soom started raining out of nowhere so Draken ran and picked up akio and the three ran for some shelter, the zoo had soon closed down when the rain storm became to hard to deal with so everyone ended up at Takemichci place.

Draken " thank for letting me spend the night here"

Takemichi " hey I couldn't allow you to walk home alone in this storm"

Draken " yeah well it seems like our little princess is fast asleep for her nap"

Takemichi " yeah" Draken and Takemichi were sitting next to each other not saying anything when Draken had kissed Takemichi on the lips he thought he was going get smacked but he didn't, because she kissed him back.

Draken " look I know what I had done is unforgivable but please give me another chance I want to live as a happy, fami,y with you and our daughter"

Takemichi " fine I still love you but it going to take time for me to allow the guys back into the house"

Draken " understood thank you"

Takemichi " I love you"

Draken " I love you too" it had taken eight months until the guys had started over with Takemichi and everything was back to normal, draken had kept good on his promise and stayed turn to Takemichi.

Female Takemichci one shot (completed) Where stories live. Discover now