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Many years had passed in world there had been a on going battle between the angels and fallen angles but soon it had come to end, and there was peace but there was still some issues between the two kingdoms. Most of the angles didn't like the fallen angels which were no being called demons because of their dark colored wings and horns, it seem like the demons were trying to make peace for their past mistakes and for starting this whole war but it seemed like it was not happening. It seemed like many demons had fallen in love with angles and wanted to be with them but it seemed like the council didn't want that.

Takemichi " ......" Takemichi was picking some flowers near the border of the fallen angel kingdom she didn't care for the horrible rumors she had heard, she wanted to make friends and give others a try.

???? " I think you are for away from home little angel"

Takemichi " oh hello there" Takemichi had looked up and saw one of demons was looking over her he was tall and casing a shadow over her.

???? " so why is someone like you so close to the demon kingdom"

Takemichi " well I was picking some dark lilies and tulips, I also came here to gather the seeds as well to sell them"

???? " umm the name is darken I and my friends have been watching you for a while now, you seem to draw our attention"

Takemichi " would your friends like some cookies I made this morning" Takemichi had shown the dragon tattoo demon a small basket of cookies, he soon took one and ate it.

Draken " these are delicious hey guys why don't you come out and say hey to our friend" soon Takemichi had shown so,e other demons shown themselves. They didn't look so evil like the stories she was told by the elders they seemed very nice.

Mikey " you are beautiful for an angel I haven't seen a beautiful angel like you"

Takemichi " umm thank you"

Baji " do you know we are high rank demons right being near us will ruin your life"

Takemichi " well you guys don't seem that evil"

Mitusya " umm she kind as well maybe being friends with an angel won't be so bad" since that day Takemichi started hanging out with the demons and from a relationship with them.

Draken " umm I love it when you come to see us"

Takemichi " well I had an extra off day and I came to see you all, hey maybe one day you guys could come see me in my kingdom"

Mikey " that might not be a good idea love it will be hard for us to ..."

Takemichi " juts give it a try everything has been peaceful lately and it will be good to see, the kingdom become more welcome and more cultures"

Mitusya " we will see about that" it had taken the guys a few days until they finally woke up the nerve to enter the angel kingdom it had taken them a few hours, to get use to the people looking at them but they soon understood everything that was happening. Soon enough both the demon and angel kingdom had become one and everyone seem to be enjoying their company but there was still, some judgement left.

Female Takemichci one shot (completed) Where stories live. Discover now