Sakura dragon (4)

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It was the next day after the whole getting kicked out of toman and Takemichi had washed her old tomam jacket washed, and it had just gotten out of dryer when there was a knock at her door. She grabbed the jacket and soon saw draken standing there.

Draken " oh hey I came to see how you were doing and to ..."

Takemichi " here the jacket and now I'm leaving I have place to be and people to see" Takemichi had tossed the jacket to draken.

Draken " wait where are you going anyways"

Takemichi " to see some friends oh Souya you are here"

Souya " hey take-Chan oh hello Ken"

Draken " hey Souya I ..."

Souya " don't worry Kenny boy I gave my jacket to my brother his morning without a fight or tears, now come on girl we are going to miss the major sale the others are waiting"

Takemichi " bye ken see you around or not" draken watched as the two girls walked away laughing and talking.

Draken " thanks Mikey now I'm in the doghouse with all of you, I hope you see now stupid you are" it seemed like toman was going to have some conflict between the active members and expelled members. When draken thought he as having a hard time with Takemichi he should be glad they were not siblings. There were some others they were in more deep trouble then others.

Shiba resistance

Yuzuho " hey were are you going"

Hakkia " to meet my friends I will be home late tonight I will call or text"

Yuzuho " umm sure"

Hakkia " okay see you soon ... oh tenjiu hey"

Tenjiu " hey wait you changed your hair"

Hakkia " yes I changed my hair a last week"

Tenjiu " so what with the toman jacket did you leave or get kicked out, because you can join the family business"

hakkia " goodbye I will make dinner or you can all eat out" hakkia had opened her front door to see mitusya standing there looking dumbfounded.

Mitusya " good morning I ..."

Hakkia " caught here you go and see ya"Hakkai had walked passed mitusya not paying home attention as she soon ran into chifuyu who was waiting for her. The two girls looked at mitusya and soon walked away from the shiba family house, mitusya had looked at hakkia family just to get the door slam in his face.

To all the girls

Souya " smiley and ran have the nerve to block the door and ask me where I'm going today, like hello the last time I remembered the only one I have to tell where I'm going is mom .. and she already said yes so I don't need my big brothers approval to leave the house"

Chifuyu " baji and his two underlings were waiting outside my door, my next door neighbor told them to get going or she will call the cops"

Senji " see they tell us we are out and are shocked when we return the jackets like come on, what did you think will happen"

????? " hey senji"

Senji " oh big bro hello"

Takeomi " are these you new friends hellos girls"

Kisaki " hello" the girls were hangout at the mall when senji older brother had shown up with some of his friends, they everyone knew well.

Takeomi " well I leave you girls alone have fun ... do you need a ride home sis"

Senji " no I will talk home I will be okay" takeomi soon waved goodbye to girls and left with his friends the girls went back to their conversation. Some toman underling were around the area and saw the girls together and has taken some pictures of the whole thing.

Later that night at kawata and Haitian house

Souya " what with all of you"

Smiley " when did you start become friends with kisaki and senji"

Souya " I can have other friends Smiley and it none of your business who my friends are"

Ran " I can see why you got kicked out of toman"

Souya " ever funny I know you been on your best behavior because you don't want to be back in jail with Rindou, of what happened last time ... broke mom heart you know"

Rindou " why some we sit down and talk"

Souya " look I'm starting something new here and I want to have my own friends, and if you all don't like that then get over it"

Smiley " we are family"

Souya "sOn my way family we have here dear older brothers, oh hey have fun at the meeting my twin tell everyone I say hi or no" Souya soon walked into her room and slammed the door shut getting all of her brothers shocked.

To chifuyu place

Chifuyu " what do you want baji" chifuyu had answer the door to see baji and other two standing there, as she was holding peek j.

Baji " I'm came to see you maybe you can come to the meeting tonight"

Chifuyu " sorry I can't I doing homework and staying in, I calling the girls later as well my mother wants me stay in tonight while she at work"

Kazutora " oh hello peek j" kazutora tried to pet peek j but it fail when the cat hissed at hims and tried to starch him, the cat soon jumped out of the girls arm and ran back into the house.

Chifuyu " well goodbye" chifuyu soon closed the door as well the three guys were going to knock again but left soon after.

Ryuesi " well I thought she was going to be nice about it"

Kazutora " now come on we can see her later"

Baji " I don't think this is going to end well" the guys had been getting cold shoulder from all the girls but none of the girls were talking to them fully. The guys were trying to find out way to get the girls to talk with them but nothing was working for them and it all failed again and again.

Female Takemichci one shot (completed) Where stories live. Discover now