Errand girl

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Takemichi had made herself into the errand girl of Kiyomasa and his gang after she came to the rescue of her friends, but when she need her friends the most they were to scared to help her because they were still the puppets of Kiyomasa. Takemichi didn't get her other friend hinato into this issues because she didn't want him worrying sick about her, and she didn't want any of her friends in danger anymore even if some have turned their back on her.

Takemichi " here are the drinks you all asked for"

Delinquent 1 " this not what I asked for Takemichi"

Takemichi " I'm so sorry the one you most get was already brought by someone else"

Delinquent 1 " then why didn't you steal it you foolish girl"

Takemichi " because a little kid brought it and I didn't want to steal so I got you this second drink you like" Takemichi soon felt something cold being poured onto her it was the drink.

Delinquent 1 " see now you can have something to drink"

Takemichi " I'm sorry"

Kiyomasa " you are very useless Takemichi you know if you keep messing up I will you over to my commander, you see toman love teaching girls lesson they will help you learn fast"

Kiyomasa soon grabbed Takemichi by the hair making the girl scream out in pain she really hated this guy with all her guts, he soon tossed her onto the ground making her feel in so much pain.

Kiyomasa " if you keep on messing up Takemichi I will have to destroy your little friend, but those little punks have left you so sad"

Takemichi " ......" Kiyomasa and his friends had stolen Takemichi money and soon left her aline cold and in so much pain, she soon left school with her head held low she was close to crying.

???? " hey are you okay"

Takemichi " oh Kazutora-kun hello"

Kazutora " hey Takemichi wait what happened to you why are you soaking wet and hurt"

Takemichi " it nothing I tripped im sorry it nothing to worry about im good"

Kazutora " are you sure hey where are you four friends"

Takemichi " they are not with me today something came up"

Kazutuora " then let me walk you home it dark anyway and I will hate for something bad to happen to you"

Takemichi " okay thank you Kazutora-kun" Kazutora had walked Takemichi home he knew what was happening he just need so more evidence before him and the others beat up Kiyomasa and his gang. They all had one major rule to never lay hands one a girl and guys who do that are scum and don't deserve to be walking on this earth.

Takemichi " thank  you for walking me home Kazutora I owe you"

Kazutora " no you don't it okay Im doing it best I care see you around take-chan"

Takemichi " see you"

Somewhere else

Draken " so Kiyomasa and his gang are bullying this girl name Takemichi"

Kazutora " yes it seems like her four idiots friends had talked a big game and gotten themselves in trouble with Kiyomasa and his gang, she had gotten involved to save her friends she a cry nice girl ... it seems like her friends are still coward and wont save her but she dose have some friends who will hurt Kiyomasa badly if they find out"

Mikey " they have laid hands on her"

Kazutora " yes they have"

Mikey " I say we teach Kiyomasa and his gang a lesson in respect toward girls and hey maybe we can add this Takemichi to our gang she seems like a very nice girl, and beautiful as well we can use the change"

Mituysa " I can agree we cant allow this to go on any longer"

Pah " Kiyomasa and his friends make me sick"

Peh " yeah they need to learn a Lesson or two"

The next day

Takemichi " come on let me go Kiyomasa"

Kiyomasa " fine enjoy your swim girly" soon Takemichi had been dropped into the swimming pool by Kiyomasa she was able to swim and made her way to ladder to get out, but two of Kiyomasa goons were there waiting.

Delinquent 3 " not happening Takemichi you still haven't learned your lesson"

Takemichi " ....."

Delinquent 4 " time to see if you can really swim" before the fourth delinquent could do anything he was soon tossed onto the ground hard getting Takemichi full attention, she soon looked up and saw it was Kazutora an some other guys.

???? " here let me help you"

Takemichi " thank you"

Kazutora " hee Takemichi take my jacket"

Takemichi " thank you" Takemichi had put on the jacket and soon saw Kazutora and his friend beating up Kiyomasa gang, the short blond hair one soon dragged Kiyomasa over to Takemichi.

Mikey " hey im mikey a friend of Kazutora he told me you were getting bullied because of this idiot and his friends"

Takemichi " yes they are also bullying my friends as well and some other kids"

Mikey " well we got it from here"

Takemichi " thank you" Takemichi had gone home and soon enough hinato and Mizo crew showed up at Takemichi house the crew had said sorry to Takemichi, for leaving her like that but she still forgave them. Hinato had made sure she had everything she needed and made sure Takemichi felt wanted and love which she did and soon enough she soon become use to see mikey at her school, he was there to see Kazutora but he mostly came to see you.

Mikey " starting one from today takemichi you are my friend"

Takemichi " okay"

Mikey " good now let go get some food it on me well mostly the money I stole from the punks I beat up"

Takemichi " coming"

Mikey " good"

Female Takemichci one shot (completed) Where stories live. Discover now