Princess (request)

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Today was Takemichi went  to school were she a regular teenage girl she can finally experience life without been seen as princess, the public eye was always on her and she just want to live a normal life. So her father had sent her to private school and said she will be there but she will still have security around her, just in case something bad happened to her. Takemichi had finally arrived at her new school and she was so happy.

???? " good morning Takemichi"

Takemichi " good morning mikey and draken"

Mikey " where were you still weekend we went by your apartment and you were not there"

Takemichi " oh yes I went to see my grandparents house something came up with them"

Draken " oh well we missed you, and we hope everything is good now"

Takemichi " oh yes everything is well now"

Mikey " hey parents day  is coming up are is your family coming"

Takemichi " oh no my father is busy with some important matters, that he can't take the time off from"

Draken " well maybe when parents day is over we can all hangout at the sano mansion"

Mikey " yes we can have a pool party again and my brother those want to see you all again"

Takemichi " sure"

Baji " Takemichi there you are looking beautiful as ever"

Takemichi " thank you baji"

Chifuyu " now that we are all here who parents or family are coming to parents day"

Draken " we are having that conversation a few second ago" Takemichi had made friends at this private school with all these other rich and elite kids, from families with high power in society and alot of money. Takemichi backstory was that she came from a good family but her father was rumors to be a important political man that spend most of his time away from home, and her mother had dead when she was young.

Baji " my mom coming she even took time off from her business trip to come see me at school"

Chifuyu " same here"

Mituysa " yeah my parents cancel there meetings that day to spend some time with me, and my sisters"

Pah " so it seems like everyone family going to be at parents day"

Peh " yeah take-chan are we finally going to meet your day"

Takemichi " my dad is to busy with some political work but he will try"

Smiley " what about your mom she has to come we can meet her"

Takemichi " I have to go see the teacher about something see you guys" Takemichi soon walked away fast from the group and everyone was now looking at smiley.

Angry " good job brother but her mother dead when she was young"

Smiley " I forgot"

Later that day

Smiley " hey take-chan im sorry for bring up your mother like that it was highly wrong of me"

Takemichi " it okay smiley it was not your fault"

Hakkia " even if you dad makes it or not we can all still hanging with you"

Takemichi " deal"

Kazutora " cool movie marathon"

Takemichi " like me guess all these stupid old and cheesy action movies" the guys laughed at Takemichi response and deep down Takemichi was hoping her father will be able to come, so that night when she retuned home she spoke with her father. He knew he was missing out on some of his daughter life and decided to make a surprise for her when he said he will try to make it for her that day.

Student " the emperor is here"

Student 2 " yes I say him and some of the other royal family, I think someone here is the emperor child"

Stundet 3 " that amazing image going to school with a princess that will be so cool" Takemichi soon walked to the center where everyone was looking at the royal family, soon Takemichi spotted her father standing there.

Mikey " wow the emperor here that cool"

Draken " wait he coming over here"

Emperor " good event gentleman"

The guys " good evening your majesty"

Emperor " so sweetie these are you friends you have been telling me about, and the bodyguard Information as well"

The guys " sweetie"

Takemichi " yes dad these are my friends the sons of well know noble families and heirs to their families business and titles"

The guys " dad"

Mituysa " wait you are the daughter of the emperor making you the princess"

Takemichi " yes im the princess"

Pah " wow didn't see that coming"

Peh " that will explain why she had more bodyguards then us she is royalty"

Student 3 " wait Takemichi is the princess wow she even more cool now"

Student 4 " that now explains her lady like behavior and why she so smart, and can speak many languages"

Takemichi " I thought you were busy with royal duties"

Emperor " well I pushed them aside to come see you my daughter, that all can wait until later ... and your uncles are dealing with it for me"

Baji " wow so you are the princess that amazing ... so now we can call you princess"

Takemichi " no"

Baji " to late we are calling your princess now"

Takemichi " ......"

Chifuyu " we promise to keep your daughter safe when she with us your majesty "

Emperor " that good to know, now Takemichi why don't you show me some of your work"

Takemichi " sure" the family day went well and Takemichi was happy to have her father there with her and some of her other family showing them all she had done in life. She even invited the guys to spend some time at the royal palace with her and the agree.

Female Takemichci one shot (completed) Where stories live. Discover now