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Takemichi is the only daughter and youngest child of the scholar of emperor and generals, her father was overprotective of her and when it came towards man asking for her hand in marriage her father would reject it. He didn't want his daughter marrying a young man or men who wanted to use her just to give them sons. Everything had changed when the former emperor and the generals had dead, making their sons the heirs of the toman empire that rule half of Japan.

Takemichi " ......"

Guard " this way we are almost there" a few days after the death of the emperor and generals their sons were soon running everything, and they soon need a queen and wife that would give them children and comfort. So there was royal degree given out that the maiden of the empire of noble blood, should be taken to the palace to see if they will be the a good wife.

Takemichi " ...."

Guard 2 " you stay here with the other girls"

Takemichi " yes sir" the two guards had walked away after leaving Takemichi in a hallways with some other girls, she knew these girls most of them were spoiled rotten by their families and very cruel to their servants.

Aimi " oh look what we have here girl the little mouse Takemichi"

Takemichi " hello aimi"

Akio " why are you here Takemichi they asked for the most beautiful girls of the kingdom"

Sakura " the only offer she has out those horrible blue eyes she has"

Takemichi " ....."

Empress Maid " attention young ladies you will be soon meeting the mother of now emperor and generals, if you get a flower she has approved of you"

Aimi " I can tell Takemichi won't be getting a flower no men will love her" soon all the girls had walked into the room where the empress was waiting, Takemichi had been told the empress was very strict mother and wanted the best for her sons. She had spoken to all the other girls and she didn't seem happy about them, she had given a few of them flowers but she didn't seem happy about it.

Empress " young lady I have seen you before you are the daughter of haru the scholar"

Takemichi " yes I'm empress"

Empress " what is your father to you young lady"

Takemichi " he my father he has taught me everything I need to know, I'm his only child that still living in the empire my brothers are away ... and I'm the only thing he has left"

Empress " you care for you family that and good nature to have and you eyes are the color, of the ocean I always love looking at the ocean"

Takemichi " thank you empress for you wonderful words"

Empress " you are well manner as well and have respect you well here you go a flower for you"

Takemichi " thank you" Takemichi was soon taken out of the room she had seen the girls who were bulky her before, were all already waiting there.

Aimi " oh great you are here"

Takemichi " congratulations on moving on aimi I wish you the best of luck" all the girls in the room were on the final trials, but none of them were told what the trails were tested on. The rest of girls had been sent home Takemichi was wondering what was going to happen to her next.

Akio " you ungrateful scum how dare you trip and nearly ruin my dress"

Takemichi " leave him alone akio he didn't see you standing there, and you should be the one saying sorry you were in his way"

Akio " oh look the freak standing up for the servant you have always been like this" Takemichi had helped the poor guy into his feet and helped him gather the things he had dropped.

Servant " thank you miss may the odd be in your fair" Takemichi was soon taken to her private quarters, she was wondering around the courtyard minding her own business, when she felt someone touch her she soon turned around and saw it was some man.

????? " oh hello there beautiful I saw you standing here alone"

Takemichi " may I help you sir"

???? " oh come on a girl like you won't dare marry the emperor and generals when you can have lovers like me ..."before the unknown man could get done with his sentence, Takemichi had slap the man.

Takemichi " if I ever shall marry anyone I will be loyal to my husband or husbands nothing else, I will allow you to leave still alive and breathing but come towards me again... with the behavior I will teach you some lesson understood"

????? " understood bye" the man soon ran off and Takemichi was standing wondering if she did the right thing or not.

Later that night

Takemichi " night has arrived" Takemichi was getting underdress when she felt like someone was watching her, she had brushed it off thinking it was nothing. Until heard this loud bang she soon had turned around and walked towards, where the sound came from it had come from another empty room attached to her room.

Takemichi " excuse me is anyone in here hello ... maybe it was some decor that had fallen" she was making her way to this closet because she felt like something was off.

Servant " my lady I have returned with your dinner and clothes for tomorrow"

Takemichi " oh thank you"once Takemichi had left the room and once the door a few unknown men had ran out of the room, they soon got back to the main part of the palace. The group of men are the young emperor and generals they had already fallen in love with takemichi and wanted to make her their wife.

Female Takemichci one shot (completed) Where stories live. Discover now