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Takemichi had always watched her younger cousins and neighborhood kids, when she was growing up she had become a babysitter. Soon enough she decided to become a nanny. So after some years of schooling and kid development classes, she had joined a nanny agency. She was not getting any jobs, because she was new and very young. Soon enough her boss had given a job lead, which now lead her to where she is now staying outside of giant house style in ancient Japanese structure.

Takemichi " okay so they are rich ... no takemichi you can do this remember it has good pay and the kids sound nice from paper"

Guard " miss are you the nanny from the agency"

Takemichi " yes im sir"

Guard " come along the boss will be speaking with you about the job" Takemichi soon followed the guard into the house and saw some weird looking guys, they were looking at her and Takemichi looked back at them. Everyone was wearing a very nice suit that looked very expensive soon the guard stopped walking and Takemichi, soon saw the guy open the door.

Gaurd " bosses she is here the nanny"

???? " let her in"

Guard " go inside ma'am"

Takemichi " thank you" you soon walked into the room and saw six guys sitting looking at her soon enough Takemichi had sat.

Draken " you are very young for a nanny"

Takemichi " yes im sir"

Draken " you have done babysitting when you were younger, and it seems like your former clients have good things to say about you"

Takemichi " thank you sir"

Baji " she very respectful and graceful she will be good for the kids"

Kazutuora " yes she will be perfect nanny for them"

Mituysa " she seems to be dressing well and seem like she can take care of herself, I can respect that"

Takemichi " I always make sure I don't mess up"

Chifuyu " what your feeling on animals the kids have a few pets"

Takemichi " I love them"

Draken " do you know how to deal with emergency when they happen"

Takemichi " yes I do I have been trained in first aid and CPR"

Baji " do you know how to deal with kid being sick"

Takemichi " yes"

Kazutuora " will you be able to pick them up from school and help them with their homework"

Takemichi " yes"

Draken "she is smart she was the top of her classes"

Kazutuora " that good we want the kids to be good in school"

Takemichi " I will do my best in my job"

Draken " welll ...."

Mikey " there for six kids and they are dealing with some issues from their mother, our ex wife so can you help them deal with that"

Takemichi " yes I can sir I hope I can  make them feel loved"

Mikey " good you are hired boys come meet your new nanny" soon six boys came into the room and sat by their father looking at the lady.

Mikey " one more things you might have to spend some nights here in the guest room, because we have kids when we will be on business trips can you do that"

Takemichi " yes I can sir and when you are away I will make sure they are taken care of well"

Mikey " good"

???? " hey my name is Genji can I show you my action toys collection"

Takemichi " I will love too if you dad says yes"

Genji " dad can she"

Draken "sure" The kids had taken off with their new nanny and it seemed like they already love her, and she was amazing at her job.

Mikey " she perfect and it seems like the kids already love her"

Baji " the she is perfect we don't need to see any of others"

Kazutora " let hope she can fill in the space that their mother had left open" starting today Takemichi was going to start her new job as a nanny. She was loving her job and the boys were nice she was there for them when they did she and she made sure they knew they were loved.

Female Takemichci one shot (completed) Where stories live. Discover now