Chapter 2

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•A deal•

Y/n's pov:

The guy named Ran and I were all alone inside the room, the rest of the member left for something.

I can feel he was staring at me as he was smoking.

'What?' I asked coldly 'Are you being a picky girl while having sex with guys?' He asked 'Me? Excuse me? I'm not picky. First of all, I already lost my virginity on Someone.' I replied 'I wonder who's the lucky guy...' He added 'Tsk. Do you think being the first one is a reward? I just met that fuckin' guy inside the club and since I can't control myself that time because of drunk, we did it.'

'They said being the first one or havibg sex with someone who haven't lost their virginity, is very memorable. So I guess, I'm kinda disappointed?'

'Huh? Just because of that!? Excuse me, but the thing you are talking about right now is not a simple sex. It's about raping someone, so don't be disappointed or something. Do you think soon to be raped by someone is a nice experience? Well, I mean some whores maybe want to fuck you guys judt because you got money, and you got an attractive faces. Geez if I were one of the whores, I would definitely think twice than won't be able to walk.'

'You talk too much.'

'I'm trying to explain myself, why raping is bad. Well it's good for you guys since I guess you just give money to the whores you got pregnant since you guys are filthy rich, you know.'

'Definitely, How did you manage to guess?'

'It's obvious.' I replied as I hissed at him.

'Fucking a girl is what we do for pleasure. You can do it with someone's dick if you wanted it.'

'*laughs* I don't want to. I don't want to have sex with someone I'm not married to.'

'So you are saying if I didn't kill that guy, you would have a honeymoon with him? I mean you don't even love him.'

'I would. Since my parents want to have grandkids. Also I'm an Only child so it's so hard.'

'Well, that's sad to hear.'

'I don't want any pity, coming from a criminal.'


'I'll take the rope off.' He was smiling at me as he grabbed some knife 'Well nice, but it would be good if you just stab me to death with that knife of yours.' I replied 'What kind of Knife? This knife or this one?' The first sentence, he was pointing on the Knife he was holding while the other one, he was pointing on his you know his fuckin' dick.

'Do you think your dick can kill me? No, right? Are you uneducated?' I asked as I raised the other brow 'you should be glad I'm taking off the rope. It's giving you some bruise marks on your body and I don't want that.' He replied 'Yeah yeah, whatever.'



'Gosh, finally I'm free.' I was so happy to finally lift my arms since it hurts so bad.




'By the way, got any food?' I was asking since I'm kinda hungry rn.

'I don't have any food with me or anything, just myself. You can eat it by yourself.' He replied 'Haha, nice joke.'


'Seriously, you are horny right now? You really want to have sex with someone!? Find a whore inside the club jerk.' I added 'Hmm... I want to try fucking a Hard to get, girl. Probably, will be my memorable memory. I'll definitely bury it inside my heart and brain until I get old. With you.' He winked '*chuckled* I prefer living a single life than dating a criminal.'

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