Chapter 13

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•Betrayal 1•

Y/n's pov:

A month passed by, It's September now.

Me and Ran went travel some of the Countries.

After that, We went back to japan.


'Where are you going?' I asked, It was early in the Midnight when I heard Ran, changing clothes.

'Mikey called us for something, Why? You want to come?' He asked, as he is putting clothes.

We did it some Cuddle earlier so he is Half naked just a minute ago.

'Hmm? Yeah sure, I'm kinda bored now. I can't sleep too.' I replied 'Sure. I'll pick a clothes for you, You go and clean yourself.' He approaches me and gave me a kiss on my Forehead, He then got me up and then I went inside the Bathroom to clean myself up.

After cleaning myself up, Two clothes were prepared on the Table.

'Two? Why two? Am I supposed to pick one of it?' I asked, all confused. He looked at me and replied.

'You need to bring two clothes, just in case.' He said, patting my head, I just nodded even though I am confused.

'I'll pick the black-'

'Wear this clothes. Wear the black for later.' He said 'Why? Are we going to a funeral?' I jokingly said 'More like.' He smirked at me as I was startled for what he just said.

I chose the other one (Here's the clothes:)


'Are you good?' He asked and held my hand, as I nodded. 'Then let's go.' He said.

We head to somewhere, wherein there's a lot of cars in it.

'W-where are we?' I asked 'This?' He chuckled 'This is my garage, Baby.' He replied 'Oh my fuck- T-this is so cool!' I reacted 'Let's use Lamborghini for now.' He said and went inside it.

'Can you pass me that plate number?' He asked as he was pointing onto something, I went ahead and pass it to him, and he get outside the car to put the Plate number on it.

'Why does it says "FCK696" I mean, just why?' I asked, I'm confused by now. I know it's obviously a Fake plate number but What's the meaning of this?

"Fuck 696?"

'Fuck and 696. It was supposedly just 69 but plate number needed to have 3 numbers right?' He chuckled 'Fuck means fucking a Whore or a sluts, or maybe a girl, While the 69 is more like fuck too.' He added.

'Hmmm.' I replied 'Get in.' He said and I went inside the Lamborghini.

'This is my Fathee's gift, This is the best.' He said and started the engine.

'The way that the engine started and you gou like drive onto it so fast. The sound is so cool.' He said 'That's great!' I replied 'I shall show it to you.' He added and the we went like "WHOOSH~"

because he drove so fast.

'Fuck! This is so cool!!!!!'

'Told you.'


After that, We got arrived inside their Hideout.

'Long time no see, Hideout.' I chuckled 'It really is, for you.' He said as he wrapped his arms on my Shoulder, We went inside and saw everyone gathered there.

The look on their face was like.... A killer.

The temperature is so scary, the look on their eyes and the area.

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