Chapter 14

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•Pleasure coming from your friend•

Y/n's pov:

'So...?' He said, I smirked and then replied 'Fuck you look so fucking hot, let's do it.' I put the drink down and started to take off my jacket and then proceed to my Inner clothes.

I head towards Kakucho's Direction and aggressively make out with him, He begin to remove his necktie and proceed to take off his Suit, stripping. As we both make out, grabbing his faces as I aggressively Kiss him, His hands were on my waist as he carried me to his room. I guess?

He gently put me down, on his bed as he strip all of his clothes off.

'Those clothes of yours, were from Ran, right?' He asked and I nodded, Suddenly I was shocked when he Ripped my buttons out with hid hand. He ripped it off and strip it off.

'Hmm? You love it when I do it aggressively, right?' He smirked, I can't believe how he behave right now, like it's way too different from the way he act when he is not on bed.


He then gently kiss my Lips down to my neck and then so suddenly he stopped, I can feel he was about to bite my neck but he stopped.

'Why?' I asked, he looked at me and replied 'I hope you will not regret sleeping with your Husband's friend, later.' He smirked at me and then bite my neck.

'*chuckled* Why would I regret it? He doesn't feel any guilt when he slept with tons of woman.' I replied 'Hmm... Usually I prefer sleeping on my own, but when it comes to you I would want to sleep with you instead if you wanted me to.' He said and proceed to kiss me.

'Are you okay with me leaving a hickey?' He asked 'Hmm.. Do whatever you want, Kaku~' He grinned and then proceed to leaving a hickey and some bite marks.

He then gently stripped my Bra and so do my Underwear..

He slowly went down and kissed it until it reached to my Lips, he gave me a kiss on my Forehead and then unbuckled his Belt.

I can't help but bit my lips as I watch him remove his Belt and strip it down, looking on his toe to his chest, it's way too hot to watch. I can't even stop thinking about his abs, it's too obvious. I bet he loves gym, maybe?

He went towards me when he is done stripping his Pants , he gently caress my hair and then we make out, again. It continue to make out, until he remove his Underwear.

'Do you think It'll fit in?' He chuckled 'No dick can't fit in my Pussy, Kaku. I'm flexible, I would spread my legs just for that to fit in.' I replied as I looked at his dick, He was smiling at me and then grabbed something.

'Safety first.' He said, hmm.. He grabbed a condom, boring.

'No need for that.' I replied and he looked at me all shocked 'W-what?' He asked 'Do you wish to get pregnant by other guy when you already have a Husband!? T-that's Insane!' He added.

'It's way better to feel it without a flexible Plastic, Also. We should be friendly with the Environment.' I chuckled 'No. If you keep saying that, I would rather wish to stop.' He said 'No, please.' I grabbed Kakucho's arm and was begging for him to continue.

But he shook his head.

'Drink some pill, this will work. I promise you, I already drank earlier before coming here.'

'Are you even sure?'

'If I ever get pregnant, it'll be my fault. So don't worry too much.' I smiled at him and he sigh.

'Ha.. You really would spread your legs to any guy, hmm? Seems like you are really a slut.'

'Wut? Welp, I won't deny it.' I chuckled.

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