Chapter 4

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•Mall date•

Y/n's pov:

We are inside th mall here. I don't know what's on his mind to be bringing me here after dinner.

'I told you, I don't need to go and buy new clothes for myself. I just need to go home, to my house to get my clothes there. Seriously, My clothes in there are so many, it's such a waste if I don't use it, right?' I was nagging him 'We'll go there, tomorrow. Also, we have plenty of rooms for you to put all your clothes and stuff, so just buy whatever.' He replied like it was nothing at all.

'Why wasting your money for just a stupid item?' I mumbled.


After hours od shopping, this guy is still buying clothes.

'H-hey, that's enough. I told you.' I added, trying to block the clothes 'Hmm? Why? I'll spoil you with my money, so don't worry. I'll pay.' He smirked 'Excuse me, that's not the problem here. I told you already I have millions of clothes inside my House, so instead buying some stuff That I would just not wear inside the house. I would rather go home and pack all the clothes I got there, and then some of my clothes will be sent in the Charity, Is that even clear?' I said, but he just nodded and ignored me.

'I'll buy this whole set.' He said while pointing to the Gucci bags 'Hey! I thought we are just here to buy clothes?' I panicked 'What's the use of clothes when you are just gonna roam around without bag?' He said '*sigh* you are literally wasting your money....'


'Phew.... I'm so exhausted.'

'Here.' He gaved me some cola 'Thanks, I guess...?' I replied.

'What do you want to eat?'

Ehh!?? W-we just literally ate earlier.

'Gosh... My food that I ate earlier haven't digested it and now we are gonna eat something again? Bruh, do you have anythibg inside your stomach?' I asked '*Chuckled* Idiot. You want ice cream?' He asked 'Later, I'll drink my cola first.' I replied.

Luckily some of his guard are with us to carry the bags... He just bought tons of clothes and things just for one person!

'Hey, Aren't you gonna buy something for you?' I asked 'I can just buy whatever and whenever I want.' He said.

Okay, okay. I get it that he is rich but, spending his money for just a stypid stuff that I alrwady have is just.... Way too hard for me to accept since it was too much for me to accept.

'I want ice cream now. Please buy me a big bucket of ice cream, I'm tired so i'll just stay here for the meantime.' I said and rested my arms on the bench.

'You head inside the Car first, I'll head there after.' He said.

Lol, the fact that he is off guard right now, makes me wanted to escape. But yeah... I don't have anything to do after escaping, let me enjoy this time.

'Hmmmkay.' I head to his car, a big body guard were guarding me. Just not really you know he was just carrying some of the stuff. So if I ever escaped here, it's easier to do it since he is carrying too much.


I was walking with the guard, but then suddenly my ring (her ring that her parents gave her when she turned 18) fell off and then it rolled over somewhere. I head to follow the ring, but before I could pick up the ring someone already did it before myself.

'Uh- Thanks-' I saw this creepy guy looking at me while he was smiling and stuff.

All I could do was froze in there because hr was giving me chills.

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