Chapter 8

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•Amusement date•

11:35, In the morning. Y/n woke up.

Y/n's Point of view:

'U-ugh....! M-my head hurts, What happened last night...?' I asked myself, and then so sudden, I was shocked when I saw myself all cleaned up.

'Eh!? Since when did I take care of myself while drunk!? Oh my gawd.... W-what if someone touched me...? And also! Where the fuck am I!?' I was shocked because this was not the hotel that Ran checked in yesterday, so where am I!?

The fact that I was all cleaned up, right now. Even though I can clearly remember that I'm not wearing such a pajama in the Party, yesterday... so who did it...?

'Who the hell did it-' I went outside the room, while my the places was like, spinning and stuff.

And then.

'Buenos días mi amor~' Seeing Ran haitani, halfnaked, wearing an Apron and cooking is just.... A chef kiss ig? B-but! Just wait-

'Who.. The hell changed me? Please don't tell me it's you..' I added 'Oh it's me-' I kicked Ran's legs as he was just laughing.

'I- I told you don't tell me that!'

'But you just literally asked who did that, Drunk babe~' He was smirking at me as he judge my body- And then stopped the stare at my Chest.

I then covered my chest with my hands, quickly.

'Fuck, you are a Pervert!' I clenched both my Hands and went back inside the room.

But then this Ran, dude went inside the room, it seems like he is done cooking now.

'Listen here, hoe. Why would you wash my Body while I'm drunk? You just took advantage and use that chance to do things with my body. ' I was mad! Like really. 'Come on, mi amor~ We are married now so no need to be shy, since I've saw it already.' He is smirking like a pervert!

'Excuse me? You are a really fucking big big Hoe! Y-you! You touched my body didn't you!?' I asked 'Wha- why would I do such things? I'm not even a fan of necrophilia.' (sexual intercourse with ot interaction towards Corpses)

'Even so, you can't prove your innocence! Criminals do bad things, do you think trusting a criminal is an easy job?'

'Tsk. If you think it's unfair, then I'll let you see mine then.' He said and was unzipping his Pants-

I quickly covered both my eyes and turned to other direction, not letting him know I haven't seen one- (welp we watch pornography right?)

'What's gotten onto you?' He chuckled 'Darling, oh I mean. Hon, may I ask you something?' He added, asking me for permission of smth 'Wut?' I coldly asked 'What's the next thing you guys will do after wedding ceremony and party?' He asked, pfft! This is stupid question.

'Obviously, it's Honeymoon.' I replied 'Then...'

'What is it!? Stop beating around the bush and spill it up.' I replied 'You know thst we didn't had a chance doing it yesterday right? Since you were drunk and making out is just... So plain for me, and I really am craving for you, so Let's do it tonight.' He gently touched my Face and was touching my lips also, with his thumb, more like wiping something.

'W-what? I can't do it!' I replied, gosh this jerk is talking about something erotic again...

'Let's do it, But I'll make sure to use a protection.' He smirked 'What the fuck?'

'Yes, we'll fuck later so, Enjoy your meal and roam around the Barcelona when you can still walk, Mademoiselle.'

'Bruh, what?' All the confusion was taking all over my mind now, this dude is really are something.... And also! The two things that I really hate about him is he is calling me with a lot of name! And secondly, his Friends! Especially his Brother too! Oh... Guess that was Three?

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