Chapted 19

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•First love?•

Y/n's Pov:

We went outside the terrace once the Party ended.

We were cuddling each other, hugging tight as Ran were nonstop kissing my Forehead.

As We were just having a good time together... And the other people were Either Drunk or asleep..

We are all alone now.

Suddenly, Ran spoke, broking our Silence.

'You wanna hear an Unexpected Love story of mine?' He said, I looked at him all curious. And he gave me this lovely smile then kissed my lips.

'It's about my first love..'

'Yeah sure.' I replied and he chuckled.

'Once upon a time...'


Author's point of view:

Once Upon a lovely time,

In the middle of windy day, Exam were already passed by..

It's almost Spring, I wonder who will confess under the Sakura tree..

Spring were all known as the confession Season, since Sakura is kinda romantic tree to confess.

A guy who have a long hair, with two different hair colors were walking on the Hallway.

'Mr. Haitani, How many times do I have to keep on telling you that dyeing a Hair when you are in our school, is forbidden! I await you in my office.'

'It's not that dyeing a hair will cause a low grade in School.' He coldly replied, glaring at the Principal.

'You- You are disrespectful creature! Detention!'

'Yeah yeah... Again.'


A trouble maker guy named, Ran Haitani were always causing a lot of chaos in school and was always breaking rules in school.

Like, Bullying, beating students, causing fights with his Brother, disrespect the Teachers and also dyeing hair.


It's a beautiful, yet windy afternoon and Ran were cleaning the Classroom that he was assigned to, since he doesn't have any choice but to do it instead.

'*laughing* Ran, you are cleaning this room again? What a freak.' Some of the kids were making fun of him 'Shut the fuck up, freak. Or you want me to beat that ass of yours, sucker.' He replied, he was chewing a bubble gum as he was cleaning.

'Oh really? We aren't afraid of you.' They said, Ran suddenly broke the Mop and went rushing to the kid who was teasing him.

Punching the face of his Kouhai.

'G-gah!!' Nose were starting to bleed on his Kouhai, as Ran were just smirking.

'S-senpai, Help me!'

And in there, Ran saw a Lovely girl who was stunned, watching them fight. As she then took a look to Ran, Her eyes were shining because of the Sunlight.

It's has the same grade as Ran.

'Ask someone, It's your fault for fighting someone who's way too strong than you.' She rolled her eyes, caressing her beautiful hair and just left.

As she left she looked at Ran's Violet eyes and just stared at it then mumbled.

'How gay.' She mumbled, thinking Ran was a Gay person because of his long hair.

Dangerous Love 🍋•|| Ran H. ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now