Chapter 18

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•Family Reunite??•

Y/n's Pov:

Ayato went to visit me with a breakfast, that he was holding.

'You need something, aren't you?' I asked, it was obvious that He was being kind because he need something.

'I'll give you half of my Money if you agree.' He said and It made me want to know what he wanted me to do.

'What do you want?' I asked 'You'll leave this country with Kagura with the half of my Money and that's 6 Billion Dollars.' He said and It made me don't wanna believe it.

'What? Why is that brat, involved?' I asked 'Can't I just leave the Country and with your Money? Without that Brat?' I added 'That's the deal. You can leave the country without the money and also without Kagura.'


'I know you've been wanting to leave Canada for years... Now this is your chance, keep Kagura and leave the money with a lot of Money or Leave the country without money.' He said.

I bit my lower lip and clenched both of my Hands.

'*sigh* Then I'll keep That brat and the Money.'

'Don't you ever think about Throwing Kagura once you leave the Country. If ever you do that, I'll ban your Credit card.'

'What!? So you are telling me that you'll give me your Credit card and not cash!? Ugh!'

'Yes. So... What's your choice? Choice A or B?'

'Guess I have no Choice, I chose A.'

'That's great.' He smirked at me and then opened the door.

A girl that were dressed with a Pink dress and was wearing a heels.

She was well behaved.

'Kagura-chan, Meet your Mother. Y/n Nishikawa.'

That Brat were smiling so sweetly... As her hands were behind her.

'Kagura, Introduce yourself to your Mother.'

'M-Mom.. I- I'm Kagura.. N-nice to meet you, Mother.' I gave her a snob face as her sweetly smile fades.

'Tsk.. I hate such an Eyesore sight.' I said as I rolled my eyes on Ayato and that kid.

'I'm sorry...' She mumbled.

'Where's tje money?' I asked 'It's in your luggage.' He said 'Let's go. I don't wanna wait any longer.' I said as My arms were all crossed and walked away.

'Faster!' I glared at that kid and she followed me.


We were inside the car..


'Y-yes?' She was stuttering 'I only wanted you for money so don't you assume anything.' I coldly say 'Y-yes..'

'Firstly. I need you to follow these rules.' I said and she kept on nodding 'Don't be so annoying, don't talk too much, don't bother me once we get to Japan.'

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