Chapter 3

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•Sexy Dance with Ran Haitani•

Y/n's point of view:

'Oi. Why kill the fun, Y/n?' Rindou said 'Hey! I'm older than you!' I yelled 'call me with San!' I added.

[So Basically, I put Rindou's age in here like 27 without knowing Ran and him only have 1 year age gap😭 sorry I just found out recently]

Yes, I'm older than Kakucho, Sanzu, Rindou and Kokonoi. I'm 29 and not living a great life. Yes, I just wanna die...

'*cough* huh? How old are you?' Sanzu choke himself with his liqour 'I'm 29, dumbass.' I said 'Ohh...' They all replied.

'You guys were all talking about sex and stuff, can't you just leave me alone?'

'Geez, stop acting all like a granny, You'll be my Sister-in-law soon.' Rindou wrapped his arms on me, hugging me tight 'H-hey.' I tried to pushed him but he is so strong.

'You can still have fun with me, just don't let my brother know.' He whispered, winking. As he went to his seat again..

Bruh, I was stunned.

'What did that jerk said to you?' Ran suddenly spoke, as he was pulling me gently. Grabbing my Waist with his hands.

He then smiled.

'U-uh... He said I'll be his sister-in-law soon.' I stutter 'Oh really?' He raised his other brow of his 'O-Oh yes.' I chuckled 'Let's have a drink on our own.' He whispered on my ears.

His deep voice was so sexy not gonna lie.
Hey! Get a hold of yourself, Y/n! He is still your kidnapper! Tsk.

'Oi! We will be on the other side.'

'What a kill joy!'

'Jack ass.'



Afterwards me and Ran went to the other sude to have a drink. Since the seat that wherein, Bonten was seated was all full. Since there's tons if girls that were crowded in there.

'Y/n? Are you listening?' He asked 'A-ah huh? Ah no...?' I replied 'You look an idiot Zoning out like that.' He chuckled 'What?' I asked '*sigh* whag drink do you want to drink? How about a Juice? Wine?'

'Taquila.' I said 'oya?? Are you sure?' He asked with a cocky smile 'Huh? Yes I am?' I added 'okay. Wait here I'll go get some drinks.'


'Ha... This is the perfect time to escape-'

'Is that your friend? O m g. We are a match!' A random girl approached me, out of nowhere 'huh? Ah... That? He.. Yes.' I was panicking to say 'Gahh! How lucky. Match me with him, I'm good in bed.' The girl said 'O-oh okay?' I said 'yes, please.'

'Hey, girl. Do you want to drink with us?' The other girl approached me.

Hello!? Can you just leave me alone!? Go and fetch that guy, why approach me?

'Let's drink.' The girl grabbed me 'Yes, come with us.' They said.


There's two girl that approached me.

The other girl that approached me first have a Blonde hair while the other have pink.

'You know your friend is so hot right? We also have a hot guys here, you can sleep with them if you want... But in return, we'll sleep with the guy you are with.' They are crazy! Can't they recognize that he is one of the member of the Dangerous criminal organization in Japan!?

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