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"The fuck? Yer better?"

I glared at the piss haired bitch. "No thanks to you."

Samu looked at me. "What's up?"

"Sakusa and Kita are fucking my brains out this weekend."


"Don't let Suna find out?"

"Why not, Samu?"

"Just don't. Ya know how he's gonna get. Like 'why wasn't I invited?' and shit like that."

"You right." I sighed while continuing the walk to school with the boys. "I think Itachiyama's coming tonight."

"Sakusa will definitely be cumming." Tsumu joked.

I punched that bitch's arm. "Shut the fuck up, dollar store Sangwoo knock off."

"Ow! You bitch!"

Kita and the rest of the team came into sight. Kita smiled when he saw me. "Y/n, good to see yer better."

"Daddyyy!" I ran and jumped on him, making him stabilize himself and wrap his arms around me for support.

"Aww... missed me that much?"

"Missed ya and yer dick." I smirked, purposely rubbing against said body part.

Kita groaned, gritting his teeth while trying to maintain a smirk (and calm image). "Careful.... I might not hold back the moment I get the chance." He whispered seductively in my ear.

I hopped down. And without trying to be quiet... "Do it then." I winked and walked off.

"She's outta control." Akagi said.

I turned around. "And I'll only get worse." I smiled, then turned back around and continued walking.

Suna caught up to me, walking right at my side and smirking. "Wanna skip?"

"Not witchu."

Smirk:gone. "Whatever." He mumbled before walking off to a group of his hoes.

I groaned, the other guys catching up to me. "And he wonders why I constantly reject him. He's definitely no Kita." I winked at Kita.

Tsumu shrugged. "Maybe not, but all the girls want a piece of Suna. He's apparently better than Kita in bed... from what I've heard."

I looked at him. "Really? Is there anyone who's been by fucked both for a comparison?"

Again, piss hair shrugged. "I think a third year girl. She had sex with Kita first, then the next day Suna was in her pants. She said Suna was much better."

Kita scoffed from behind me, but didn't comment on it.

I turned to face him. "What's wrong, daddy?"

Aran cut in. "That was the last girl Kita fucked... before you."

Kita frowned. "Girls like that are absolute shit. She was just going between some of the guys on the team and compared them. I was the first of her targets and Suna was right after. Once she got fucked by Suna, she called him the best and became one of his hoes."

My eyes widened. "Holy shit! That's fucked up! Even if I had sex with the entire team, I wouldn't compare you guys. Y'all are good in your own ways and it's the shittiest thing to do to say one is better than the rest!"

Kita smiled. "That's why yer the only one fit to be our manager."

"Does this mean yer gonna sleep with the whole team?" Atsumu.

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