K:Was is sex? Y:It was sex

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"Break is gonna be over soon."


"Suna... we have to get to class." I fell the moment I started walking away from him.

Suna immediately came to my side and picked me up. "Are you ok?!"

"I can't feel my legs..."

"I'm so sorry."

I shrugged. "Can ya carry me, Suna? Since yer the reason I can't walk."

He nodded, still holding me in his arms. "Don't worry, I've got ya."

"Can't hold back?"

He chuckled. "It's not in my nature."

"Then why don't you practice like how ya fuck?"


I giggled. "Knew it. You really do only care about sex."

"Not true.... Is that really all you think of me?"

"No... but you don't really help your reputation any."

He shrugged. "Who cares?"

"Are ya gonna tell me who's the only person you've ever loved?"

He froze, tensing slightly. "No."

"What?! But I gave ya what ya wanted!"

"Who says I only wanted one round?"

"Excuse me?!" I smacked him.

"Ow! I'm kidding... kinda. But I never said all I wanted was sex. Maybe you can try again another time."


I pulled out my phone and opened my messages with Kita.


Heyyy Kitaaaaaa

This serious?!
U NEVER use my name
What's going on?

I did a thing...

Was it sex?

It was sex

Oh shit
With who?

I maayyyyyy have let Suna rail me in the gym...


I'm sorry!
We didn't make a mess
I promise

That's not the problem
Sakusa told me about ur crush on Suna
This isn't good
U know his reputation


Ur gonna get hurt
Y would u...?

I was just sitting at my desk and he pulled me to the gym
He wanted to apologize
And then...

U fucked

I'm sorry ok
I wanted to say no

Ur heart wanted any bit of Suna u could get
I get it
Be careful

I will
And uh
Can u keep this between us?
Like never tell anyone except maybe Omi?

I won't say a word to anyone other than Sakusa


I sighed with relief. Kita and Omi are the only people that can be trusted with this kinda secret.

"Was I really that good you had to sigh?"

I frowned, remembering that Suna was carrying me. "That's not it."

"Then why'd ya sigh?"

"Kita and I are makin plans to fuck."

He frowned. "Why?"

"Cuz he's my first. And why not Kita? Like, he's daddy material... maybe even husband material. Haru definitely approved of him. Why? Jealous?" I teased him.

Suna remained silent for a bit, causing me to worry. Then he finally spoke. "Let me fuck you again."

"What the fuck?! We're at school!"

"Not now. Over the weekend. Come to my house for the weekend. And let me bang you."


He shrugged. "Cuz... I wanna." He moved me so he could murmur right in my ear. "You felt so good around my dick, baby. You were so nice and wet for me, and you kept getting tighter around me. It made me wanna go even harder, try to break you." He moved his face away, chuckling.

I blushed, trying to keep it from getting too bright. "Shut up you horny perv."

He chuckled louder. "You're not saying no."

"I'll think about it. Doubt you're gonna be better than Kita though."

He frowned, letting go of me, causing my back to hit the ground.

"Ow! What the fuck, Suna?!"

"See ya." And he walked away, leaving me on the ground.

"Wait! How am I supposed to get to class?! SUNA RINTAROU YOU ASSHOLE!" I shakily got up and slowly made my way back to my classroom, leaning against the wall the entire time.

I'm gonna kill Suna the next time I see him...

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