Y:You don't seem like yourself...

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We were on Suna's bed. I was smiling nonstop. I'm surrounded Suna and his things- his scent. I'm even wearing his clothes! I've dreamt of this for almost two years! I'm such a lucky girl.

We decided to watch The Promised Neverland. He was sitting against his headboard, while I laid next to him.

"Hey Suna?"


"Isn't that so cool? Like, children are legit able to do that kinda shit with the situation they were put in cuz of that fucked up world?"

"I guess."

He's answering so dryly. I looked over at him and saw no emotion on his face. It concerned me- he didn't even look bored or tired.

I scooted closer to him, resting my head against him. "You ok?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem different?"

"How?" His tone got harsher, he sounded annoyed and irritated (agitated maybe?).

I flinched. "You just seem... off. You don't seem like yourself..."

"I'm fine." He snapped.

I flinched again, moving away from him with tears in my eyes. "S-sorry..."

I got off the bed, not saying a word. I walked out of the room, my phone hidden in the pocket of Suna's hoodie I was wearing. I went downstairs and fell onto the couch.

I called Kita while tears started falling.

"Y/n? I thought you were at Suna's house."

"I am." I sniffled.

"What happened?! What's wrong?!" His voice was laced with worry.

"I-I don't know.... I thought Suna and I were getting along well. B-but... but he just got mad at me for no reason. I was only worried about him cuz he seemed off. And-and then he just snapped."

Kita sighed. "I told you that you were gonna get hurt.... Even if he's not messing around with other girls, Suna's still a jerk. You shouldn't trust him, or like him as anything more than a friend. He's probably just acting like he's serious about being around you just so he can use you. Once he's gotten what he wants, he's gonna throw you out and move on to the next girl or girls."

"I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry?"

"For- for not listening to you.... I should've listened. I shouldn't have agreed to be with Suna with weekend. Can- can you spend the week at my house?"

"Sure. When do you want me to come over?"

"Can you pick me up from Suna's?"

"Yeah. I'll be there in 20ish minutes."


"See ya."

I hung up without another word. I went back upstairs and grabbed my things, forgetting that Suna was washing the clothes I had worn here and that I was currently wearing Suna's clothes.

Suna looked over at me. "What're you doing?"

"Oh... Kita's coming to get me..."

His face held anger, but he turned to his phone without saying another word.

I felt my heart clench. It hurts... Kita was right and I hadn't listened. I went back downstairs and waited by the door. The moment the doorbell rang, I answered and engulfed Kita into a hug.

"Hey..." Kita rubbed my back. "Ready?"

I nodded, keeping my face pressed against his chest. "Mhm."


I walked downstairs the moment my doorbell rang, only to find Kita in the doorway with Y/n clinging to him.

Why is she clinging to him? Does she like him? Is he the reason she doesn't wanna keep having sex with me?

Kita looked up at me, glaring. He mouthed the words "stay away from her". I turned my back to them.

I heart clenched. I gripped my shirt tight.

Why couldn't that be me...?


"Ready to go?" Kita spoke softly.

I nodded against his chest. "Carry me."

He chuckled, lifting me up. "My house or yours?"

"Yours. If Haru sees me like this..."

"I understand. Got everything?"

"Mhm." I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. "Thanks for coming to get me..."

"No problem. I was getting worried about you anyways. Wanna watch something when we get to my house?" He carried me out of Suna's house, closing the door behind him.

"Blue Exorcist."

He chuckled, lightly kissing the side of my head. "Alright, we can watch whatever you want. You staying the entire weekend?"

"Can I? I already told Haru I'd be with a friend this weekend.... And I don't wanna go home for a bit."

Kita held me tighter. "Of course. You didn't even need to ask."

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