S: Wish she was mine...

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"You two look good together." Ginjima.

"Kinda jealous, but it looks right." Akagi.

"Bout damn time you two." Aran.

"Unprotected sex is in your near future." Atsumu jokes, smirking.

Osamu just looked at us. "Have a nice, long relationship."

"Thanks." Shinsuke smiled at the team.

I, however, looked over to the one person that hasn't come over to say anything to us. I wanted to walk over and ask him what's wrong, but after the weekend I thought trying to talk to him would be a bad idea. I kept my hand intertwined with Shinsuke's.

Suna looked over and made eye contact with me, surprised that I was looking at him. I lightly squeezed Shinsuke's hand, but he didn't seem to notice. Suna's attention shifted slightly towards Shinsuke, a glare forming on his face before he turned away.

The fuck was that even about?
I turned back to the other guys and noticed they had been staring at me.

"Uh... did you guys say something to me?"


Shinsuke looked at me. "Where were you looking?"

"What Suna's problem?" I blurted out.

The twins went silent, their smirks falling.

I raised a brow. "What do you two know that I'm obviously clueless about?"

Atsumu looked away. "Samu can tell you." And he bolted away.

Osamu's glared at his twin. "Fucking asshole."

"Samu." I spoke sternly, semi-glaring at him.

He rubbed the back of his neck in nervousness and uncomfortableness. "Suna... is a bit upset right now."

"Yeah, I got that. But why?"

"Why do you care so much?" Atsumu magically appeared right behind me.

"Shouldn't you care more since he's your middle blocker?"


Osamu continued. "Well... uh... he was the only one here highly against you and Kita becoming a thing."

Why? My heart pounded in my chest as I tried thinking of an answer. "Why?"

"He's totally crushing on you!" Atsumu blurted out.

My eyes widened. "What? Stop messing around. Suna's only interested in sex. He doesn't like anyone for any reason."

I mean, he can't actually like me, right? He only wanted sex, right? Why else would he act the way he did over the weekend? He was just mad about me saying I wasn't gonna just have sex anymore if there wasn't feelings from both people, meaning he could have send with me if he didn't actually like me... right? That's why he's upset. It has to be.

Osamu put on a serious face. "He really does. That's why he's constantly bothering to get in your pants."

Realization hit me like a train. But a few things didn't make sense. "Why would he fuck other girls if he likes me?"

The guys shifted uncomfortably. "Well... we brought that up with him and found out that more recently he did stop sleeping around. That's when we realized how serious he was about you." Ginjima began.

Akagi continued. "Then we gave him advice to not have sex with you, and instead build up a good relationship with you. He said he wanted to hangout over the weekend, but it seems like things didn't turn out how he wanted."

My heart stopped, I heard ringing in my ears. The guy I've been crushing on for years liked me back and I hadn't realized. And now, I'm dating one of his teammates.

Shinsuke poked me. "Y/n? You good?"

I looked at him. "Yeah. Just... hadn't realized Suna felt that way. Let's go, I wanna do something before class."

I could tell everyone, including Shinsuke, believed I was talking about sex. But, in fact, I was not. I just wanted to be held and comforted. To be told that I didn't make a mistake- that my choice was the best thing for me.

Once inside an empty classroom, I pulled Shinsuke close to me and wrapped my arms around his waist. I nuzzled my face into his shirt.

"Y/n? Didn't you wanna fuck or something?"

I shook my head. "I.... Did I do the right thing?"

"Hm? What're you talking about?" He used one hand to rub my head.

"With Suna.... I didn't know he liked me. I just thought he was using me for sex. Was it the right thing to date you."

I felt him tense. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"No!" I looked up at him. "It's just... I feel bad."

"Don't. Suna could be lying for all we know. He's a playboy and he's gonna hurt you. You know I won't, I'd never hurt you."

"I know.... That's why I decided I'd love you instead..."

He bent down, with a tight hold on me, and kissed me passionately.


I walked back to where the other guys were, only to find Y/n and Kita already left. My heart clenched at the thought of them sneaking off somewhere to have some alone time together. I was worried they were having sex, and that Y/n was loving it more than she did with me.

"Where'd they go?"

Atsumu smirked. "Y/n wanted some of Kita's dick before class."

My heart sank. "I asked where. Not what they were doing."

Atsumu looked shocked at my serious tone. "Dunno. Let's find out."

And we looked around till we found them in an empty classroom. Or we thought it was empty. Inside, Kita and Y/n were kissing.

"Wish that was me..."

"Suna?" Osamu and Atsumu looked at me in concern.

Tears built in my eyes as I saw the only person I've ever loved kiss and fall so deeply in love with someone that isn't me.

"I wish she was mine..."

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