S: Marry me Y: That was kinda the plan

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I woke up, my legs numb. I just laid in bed. Then I realized my bed felt colder than it did last night. I looked around only to find that I'm alone in my room.

Did I dream about Suna coming over? No, my legs actually feel like he fucked me.

I looked at myself, soon noticing I was wearing a hoodie that didn't belong to me. I shifted it a bit to see all the love marks Suna gave. Damn, he really likes marking me, doesn't he?

My bedroom door opened to reveal the very boy that did this, a smirk on his face. He entered with only a pair of sweatpants on. "Damn, baby. You look really fucking sexy in my clothes. You should wear them more often."

Oh, this is his hoodie. "Then start giving more of your clothes to me."

He chuckled, flopping down on the bed and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. "I will. Also, Kita's not very happy that you two are no longer a thing."

"What did you do?"

"I texted the gc saying I'm here at your house and that I fucked you after you and Kita broke up. I may have also told them that I'm the reason y'all broke up."

"Lemme guess: they're calling you a home-wrecker."

"Yeah. But I don't care. I've got you and that's all I'll ever need."

I smiled, giving him a quick peck. "You can be real sweet when ya want to."

He nuzzled his head against my cheek. "Only for you. By the way, Sakusa already left. And I had to explain everything to your brother."

"You told him we fucked?"

"No. I told him that I marked you up and will wait for him to give me permission to fuck you. He's surprised that you like me instead of Kita, but he said it's fine as long as you're happy. And he'll kill me if I hurt you."

I laughed. "That sounds like Haru." I laid my head against his shoulder, my arms lazily wrapped around him. "Kita's gonna try killing you, Rin."

He kissed my forehead. "He can try. But I have you."

"I'm not a human shield."

"That's not what I meant! I mean, if it hurts you, he won't do anything to me. Right?"

I smiled at him. "You're right. It'll probably make me hate him if he tries to do anything to you."

"I know. I'm a smart boy."

"When you want to be."

He frowned for a sec. "Rude." He softened his face. "But fair."

I moved to straddle him, my pussy right on top of his already hard dick. "You're turned on?"

"You always turn me on, baby. Wanna go for a round or two?" He smirked, hands already on my hips while he begins to rub against me.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "You're already starting. It's not like I can say no."

He attached his lips to my neck. "You can always so no. You just don't want to."

I grabbed some of his hair. "Maybe I don't. But I'm not doing any of the work cuz my legs are numb."

He smirked, licking my neck. "Lemme just make 'em more numb."

It's obvious what we did next.

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