Y: I'm not a cheater.... But...

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I still couldn't believe Suna likes me. It's been a week. Shinsuke and I are still together, doing everything a couple would. The weekend was filled with cute dates. And my brother approved of Shinsuke.

Part of me was happy that I'd be moving on and that I was dating Shinsuke. The other part was hurting and wishing I got with Suna instead. But I knew that if I were to try dating Suna, I'd only get hurt. I'm just trying to do what's best for me.

But... is this really what's best for me?


No response.

"Y/n." A little more firm.

Radio static.

"Y/N!" A shout.

I jumped, turning to face Shinsuke, who looked slightly annoyed, get concerned. "Oh, sorry. Did you need something?"

He sighed. "You've been distracted lately. Talk to me. What's going on?"

"I don't know."

He hesitated. "Is it Suna?"

I flinched. "Why would you think that?"

Shinsuke looked away. "You've been looking at him more than you do with me. And you don't make as much time to do couple stuff with me. Do you still like Suna? Do you wanna breakup?"

"No! I'm the one that wanted this relationship. I don't wanna just breakup up."

He stared at the ground. "You weren't the only one that wanted this relationship..."

I sighed. "Omi, I'm a terrible person. And an even worse girlfriend."

He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair at my desk. "I knew it. You still like Suna. And it doesn't help that you've been told he likes you too."

I groaned, covering my face with my hands. "And now Kita said he actually wanted this relationship between us before I had even thought about it."

Omi just stared at me. "You haven't called him Kita since before you two got together. You like Suna that much? Are you gonna chest or something?"


"But you like everything about Suna, not Kita."

"I know.... I'm not a cheater.... But..."

"You really like Suna and these feelings you thought you had for Kita are wavering." Omi finished for me.

I nodded. "Uh-huh. But I don't wanna hurt anyone."

"You're already hurting Kita by still liking Suna. And the way you've been acting since you learned Suna likes you isn't helping. This relationship isn't gonna last if you can't do the right thing."

"What's the right thing to do in this situation?"

"You can do one of two things. One being that you can just admit your feelings for Suna and breakup with Kita. The other being that you completely forget about Suna and put all those feelings into your relationship with Kita. You have to choose which one you want."

"I don't knoooooowwww." I groaned.

Omi sighed. "Please. Don't be like this just cuz you did something stupid and don't know how to live with it."

"Damn, Omi. You really called me out."

"Damn right I did and I'll do it again. Now, Suna stopped fucking when you and him started getting closer, right?"


"If he's still not doing that shit, then maybe you have your answer."

"Not following."

He glared at me. "It means he's still loyal to you and really likes you. So go for it. I'd he is fucking other girls, then stay with Kita. Do whatever will hurt you less."

I nodded. "Got it. Thanks."


It hurt when she first started fucking with Kita. It hurt more when they got into a relationship. It hurt me most when I saw them kissing passionately.
It hurts that she doesn't love me.

I decided to try to numb that pain, or just temporarily get rid of it. And the best way to do that? Having sex with a whole bunch of different girls.

Or, that's what usually helps.

After fucking with Y/n, no one else feels satisfying anymore. I mean, I'm still fucking other girls. But it just doesn't feel as good as it did with her.

Why did she have to date Kita? Why couldn't it be me?


I looked at the girl who's supposed to be riding me. "What? Why'd ya stop?" Can't even remember her name right now, but I don't really care.

She pouted. "You're not paying attention. Something's distracting you!"

"Yeah. And?" Man, I really can't find any fucks to give.

"Why?! I'm here bouncing on your dick and you're thinking about something else!"


"Why?! Are you even listening?"

"Your voice is kinda annoying. And I'm not feeling pleasure from you at all. You suck at this."

I pissed her off. She got off of me and put her clothes back on. "You're an asshole!" Abs she stormed out.

I sighed. "And you're no Y/n."

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