S:Please forgive me...

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Lunch? Nah. I slept on my fucking desk. Didn't feel hungry. Not after last night...

I felt a hand on my head. "Leave me alone." I grumbled.

"No." Suna.

I quickly whipped around to face him. "What are you doing."

He sighed. "I'm sorry. Let's talk. Please?"

I began to turn around when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the classroom, sneaking the two of us into the empty gym.


He turned to face me, not letting go. "I'm sorry, ok? Really fucking sorry. I was so stupid to say that. I'm an asshole and I shouldn't have said that. Please forgive me..."

I couldn't even move away from him. I just stared at the ground. "Why should I? You really fucking hurt me, Suna."

"I know. I'm really sorry. I'll do anything to get you to forgive me."



I shouldn't... but I really want to. "Tell me... how... how many...?"

"How many what?"


"Oh. That I've slept with? Well..."

I shook my head. "Kissed. Dated. Loved. How many?"

"I don't kiss girls, never dated. And loved?" He hesitated, looking at me as if asking for confirmation.

I nodded. "Yes. How many have you loved?"

"One. But I never touched her..."

Suna's expression changed, I couldn't read it.

I needed to know. "Who..."

"Not telling." He looked away from me, the slowly moved closer. He snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Not unless... you'll give me something."

No. I know what he's doing. I can't fall for it. Distance... I need to distance myself from him. But... I want to see where this goes...

"What do you want?"

He bent down, licking my neck before giving a soft kiss. "I think we both know what I want..."

I do know what he wants. And I shouldn't give it to him. But I can't help myself...

"Do you have a condom?"

He smirked. "Always do."

His hands were placed firmly on my waist, keeping me from moving away. Can't change my mind now.

I looked up at him, he quickly bent down and pressed his lips against mine. Gentle? No no no. This is Suna Rintarou I'm dealing with. He's considered a sex god in this school. I can feel the lust through just a simple kiss... and the growing bulge in his pants that's pressing against me.

He pushed my back against the wall, making me let out a soft moan into the kiss. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. Fuck. I can feel his grin against my lips. Why am I letting him do this?

Do I really like him this much? Am I really gonna let him use me? If I do... I need to prepare myself for the pain that'll follow. Will I regret this?

He started rubbing himself against me, somehow managing to push me further against the wall.

I felt my breath disappear completely. Luckily for me, he pulled away to let me breathe. "Fuck, Suna..."

He had that smirk plastered on his face. "That's what I plan to do to you, baby."

No. "Hurry..."
Well fuck. Prepare for all sorts of pain, I guess.

He picked me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. His bulge rubbed against me, the fabrics creating more friction. "Wanna beg?"

No. "Please, Suna... fuck me already..."
Weak. I'm so fucking weak. I love this man so much that I'm not thinking about any consequences.

He started sucking on my neck. "Hmm... wait a bit. I wanna enjoy every moment of this."

Fuck. No wonder girls go crazy for him. He really know how to makes a girl want it. His hands slipped under my uniform- one hand under my shirt, the other under my skirt. He moved my bra and started fondling my breasts with his hand. The other hand started teasing my through my underwear.


He chuckled against my neck. "Feel good?"

"Y-yes... but..."


"Don't tease me. Just... just fuck me already!"

He stopped what he was doing. "Not used to foreplay?"

"That's not it..."

That smirk grew bigger... like that bulge in his hands. "Impatient?"

"Suna..." I whined. What the actual fuck?! I whined?! The fuck is wrong with me?!

"Fine, fine." He slid my underwear to the side, pressing my back against the wall. He got his dick out.

Oh my fucking god- it's huge! Is this even real?! Can this really be happening?! That can't fit in me! I'm gonna be ripped in half!

He put the condom on it and moved it towards my pussy. His tip was right at my entrance. But he didn't move? Why wasn't he entering?

"Suna- AHH-"

He quickly thrusted his length completely inside me. The moment I made sound he harshly pressed his lips to mine.

He broke apart, not moving. "Keep quiet. Don't wanna get found, now do we?"

I shook my head, tightly grabbing his shoulders. "H-hurry..."

He nodded, pressing his lips on mine. He quickly and roughly thrusted in and out of me, causing me to moan into the kiss. He smirked against my lips, somehow picking up his pace.

This... this isn't real. I'm asleep, right? Wait... you can't feel pain in dreams. Omfg, I'm getting abso-fucking-lutely railed by the guy I've been crushing on for god knows how long.

He pulled away, focusing on his thrusting. "Lemme know when you're close." He moaned breathily in my ear.

I put a hand over my mouth to muffle my own moans. But god dayum, this man is the embodiment of sexiness.

"S-Suna... I think... I'm gonna... close..."

He sped up. "Not until I'm ready."

What? Did he just tell me I can't cum? But I feel like I'm gonna explode.

"P-please. I'm gonna... Suna..."

His grunts got louder, till they were moans as well. "Y/n... go ahead and cum."

Huh? I can cum?

Well... I did and he came at the same fucking time.

"Oh my fucking god..."

He smirked at me. "What?"

"You just fucked my brains out."

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