Author-chan says it's over

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Hey hey hey my lovely readers

I'm officially ending this fic. I kinda start running out of ideas, causing me to rush this ending a bit.

It took a while for me to fully get this whole thing written considering I'm a dummy that likes to start things without finishing the older stuff.

But I've finally been productive! Yet another of my books have been finished!

I'm so proud of myself! But kinda disappointed cuz things turned out kinda shitty, I'm my personal opinion.

If you really liked this, then I thank you!
In fact, pls tell me if you actually liked this cuz I need a confidence boost rn!
I need to stop degrading myself, but it's hard when idk if people actually like the things I write.

But! I'm still being productive! I'm finishing all of the current Haikyuu fics I'm working on!

I did kinda start writing some fics for Jujutsu Kaisen, but haven't published any parts yet.
I seriously need to focus on finishing all the fics I've already published parts for.

I really don't wanna discontinue anything. I feel like it just means I've given up on something I actually really love. And I hate that kinda feeling. So I'm making sure I finish everything I've started!

Thanks again for reading this book, and please take a look at some of the other things I've written if you have any interest in the characters I've written about.

I appreciate everyone! I will continue to read. And if you want me to write about any specific characters, please feel free to let me know! I'm more than willing to take suggestions with anything I could write about.

Anyways, this is (unfortunately) the end of the story!

Author-chan says goodbye to this book while feeling the pressure of having to write all these other things after being unable to sleep for long periods of time due to insomnia.

I hope for only the best for everyone! Live happy lives and keep reading my work (or not) if it makes you happy!


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