Y:Yer a kinky lil shit

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The weekend came and I was beyond nervous. The Suna Rintarou, my one and only crush, invited me to his house so he can fuck me all weekend. This isn't a healthy start to any kind of relationship... but I couldn't help myself. He's addicting and my feelings are just too damn strong for me to resist temptation.

I rang the doorbell and waited for him to answer. I started fidgeting with my bag.

He answered the door, his smug smirk on his face. "Hey, baby. Miss me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Only yer dick."

He frowned. "If you're serious then leave."

I cracked a smile. "I'm just messin with ya, dude." I lightly punched his arm. "Now lemme in."

He sighed and moved aside to let me in, closing and locking the door behind me. "My family's out for the weekend, so it's just gonna be us. That cool?"

I looked at him with suspicion. "You planned that, didn't you?"

"Actually, I didn't. I really thought we'd be staying in the basement all weekend. But last night, they told me they were leaving for the weekend. So now it's just us."

"I guess that's for the better. So what we doin first?"

He grabbed my bag and started walking away. "First, imma put your shit in my room. Then, we can either have sex, get drunk and/or high, shower, or eat. It's your choice."

I followed him, not fully trusting him with my stuff. "What's with those options?"

He turned to me and smirked. "You're here for sex. Be glad I'm giving you a choice."

I frowned. "Yer a shitty person."

He chuckled, setting my stuff down on the floor of his bedroom by his nightstand. "Not as bad as how Atsumu can be. He wouldn't even dream of giving a girl a choice. If he wants something, he goes for it. I was actually surprised to find out that he hadn't touched you."

I sat on his bed. "Why would he? Why does that surprise you?"

He walked over to me, standing in between my legs. "His body count is higher than mine."

My eyes widened. "No way..."

He smirked, punching my back against the bed and hovering over me. "Yeah... and I usually never go to the same girl twice. Yet here we are.... I wanna fuck you so bad. But I won't do it unless you beg for it."

I kinda want it.... I pushed him off, getting off his bed. "Let's eat first. Oh, and I wanna try getting high!"

He got off the bed, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Ok. Instant ramen sound good?"

"I'm guessing you can't cook?"

He scoffed. "I can, I'm actually a pretty good cook. I just can't be bothered at the moment. Boiling water doesn't require much and it takes a bit of time, so we can get high in the meantime."

I smiled, wrapping an arm around him. "Let get high, you stoner bitch!"

He slapped my ass, causing me to yelp. "It's daddy or master to you."

"You fucking... ASSHOLE! Don't smack my ass!"

He stuck out his tongue. "I'll do what I want."

"Wait... master? What the fuck dude?"

He shrugged. "It turns me on."

"Yer weird. But... I'm intrigued...."

"What?" He looks at me.

I put the most innocent look on my face that I could. "Should I prepare myself for you, master?"

Suna's eyes widened. He slammed me up against a wall and kissed me. It was a desperate kiss, and kinda rough... but good....

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