S: I really fucking love you

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It was too late. I had already said it. And I know that both Omi and Suna had heard it.


"Yeah. I'm here. I... I've been awake the whole time..."


Omi handed me my phone and started walking out. "I'll let you two talk now." He left my room.

I took my phone off speaker and held it to my ear. "Rin...?"

I heard him sniffling over the phone. "Please... don't call me that. I love it when you call me that."

"Then why tell me to stop?" It was my turn to sniffle.

"You're with Kita.... I don't want to...." He sobbed.

"Rin. I liked you since the day we met. But... I was scared of getting hurt by you because of your reputation. I... I don't really know if I like Kita. And I think I'm the reason my relationship is gonna fail. Ever since the team told me you liked me, I-I just couldn't focus on even trying to love anyone that isn't you."

"What? You... like me? But.... If you like me, then why? Why run into Kita's arms?"

"I was stupid. When you snapped at me that time I was at your house, it really hurt. I started believing what Kita had been telling me all this time."

"And what was that?"

"That you'd only ever hurt me. That you'd only use me for sex. Why did you even get upset? Just because I told you I didn't want to have sex if feelings weren't involved? I was trying to tell you that I liked you then."

"I'm so sorry. I took it the wrong way. I thought you were saying you didn't want to do things with me anymore, that you liked someone else. It hurt and I didn't bother trying to have you explain. I was being stupid, I shouldn't have made assumptions."

"It's ok..."

"It also hurt when Kita gave me those clothes I gave you. It made me realize that I fucked up and that I probably wouldn't have a chance with you. Kita even told me to stay away from you when he picked you up from my house."

I didn't know that. "Rin. It's ok. Do... do you wanna come over and talk properly?"

"Yes! I'm on my way!" He hung up.

Within moments, there was a knock on my window. It startled me, causing me to jump and nearly fall off my bed. I went to it, opening it to reveal Suna.

He jumped through the window, nearly landing on top of me.

I quietly shut the window, whisper-yelling at him. "This is the second floor! Why would you try coming in through the window?!"

"So no one else would know I'm here." Suna quickly moved over to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling my face to his chest.


He moved one hand to gently cup my face, pulling me into a kiss. "Fuck. I love you, Y/n."

I pushed him away. "No."

"What? Why?"

"I'm still dating Kita. I'm not gonna cheat on him."

"Do you like me more than him?"


"Gimme your phone." He held out his hand.

I unlocked it and gave it to him, raising a brow. "What're you doing?"

He smirked. "I'm stoner daddy in your phone?"

"Shut up!" I blushed from embarrassment.

"Lemme just change Kita from daddy to mama fox real quick. Ok. Now imma breakup with Kita for you."


"So that I can kiss you. Duh."

I stared at him, inching closer till I was on his lap. "You done?"

He made eye contact with me. "Yup." He placed my phone onto my nightstand.

"Good." I pressed my lips against his. "I love you, Rin."

He smiled into the kiss, pulling away to whisper in my ear. "Then show me just how much you love me."


He grinned against me, making me feel his very erect member. "Now that you're single, let's have some fun."

I smirked. "Who said I'm single?"

He frowned. "What?"

"I'm all yours, master~." I felt his dick twitch under me.

He chuckled. "Of course you'd remember that."

"I also remember that you don't like to hold back as long as I keep calling you that. Right, master?"

His breath hitched. "Fuck. Stay quiet, don't want anyone to find out about this." He quickly took both of our clothes off. "Still as sexy as I remember."

I looked at him, my back against my bed. "You too."

He leaned down to kiss me while roughly inserting his length into me, not even pausing before thrusting roughly.

I kept my voice fairly quiet. "Why so desperate?"

He kissed along my neck, sucking and biting as he trailed down. "I haven't felt so good since the last time I fucked you. I desperately need to be relieved by you."

I giggled. "You're whipped."

"Damn right. But only for you baby. Remember to stay quiet."

I nodded, keeping my hands over my mouth while Suna railed me into oblivion. Fuck... why does he have to be so fucking good at this?! How is it possible for him to be so sexy?!

Author-chan needs to stop thirsting for anime characters. This is why she doesn't have a bf or gf

Suna moaned into my ear. "Fuck. You feel so fucking good. I don't want any other than you."

"I'm gonna cum."

He chuckled. "Fucking do it then. Let your cum coat my dick, baby. Let me feel you release from me fucking you so damn good."

Damn. His words alone made me fucking cum. Mans is too damn sexy.

After what felt like years (very good sex-filled years) he finally came. I think inside? But I know he's not wearing a condom so idk nor do I really care.

He laid down next to me, pulling me to lay on top of him. He pulled the blankets over us. "God. I really fucking love you."

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