the eyes she fell so madly in love with.

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Cheryl has never been the kid of popularity.

She has always been the kind of girl who would prefer to be silent then speak.

Because of her massive black rimmed classes, childish style,  braces and lack of conversation we other kids her age, she has landed herself the role of the "school nerd."

Honestly, if you were to ask Cheryl if it bothers her she would say it doesn't. Of course the beatings she'd receive from the girls and boys with higher popularity status weren't very good, most likely ending in visible bruises and scars, she's okay with the silence and the name calling.

But what does bother the redhead, is that her crush, Toni Topaz, is the kind of teenager everyone envy's, the teenager everyone wants to hook up with or shoot there shot, that makes it well known to Cheryl that Toni probably either thinks she's irrelevant or doesn't even know she exists.

Cheryl has tried many times to get Toni to notice her; but it has never worked. Cheryl is just the "nerd." No one ever notices her.


Toni has everything any other person would dream of; popularity, gorgeous looks and as many girls and boys she could dream of, but there's one thing she wants but is struggling to get..

Cheryl Blossom.

Toni could have anyone she wants, but the only person she truly, unconditionally likes, is the specific redhead.

She would love to just go up to the nerdy girl and ask her out like she has with other girls and guys before but it's different with Cheryl, Cheryl makes her nervous. Like no one else ever has before.

Toni just loves when Cheryl thinks no one is looking and doodles in her sketch book, the way she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her pointer finger when they start to fall, when she has to answer a question in class and gets all shy.

It makes Toni's legs feel like they will give out.


Present Day-

As Cheryl starts to place her books in her locker, to replace with more books for the next class she has, she gets quite a scare to be pushed up against the lockers in a swift push.

A massive bang fills the hallway, causing everyone to look at the redhead. Cheryl is terrified to even open her eyes. She already knows who it is, Veronica.

Veronica always picks on her, whether it's plain name calling, pushing and shoving or even some black eyes were given.

Cheryl's back is against the lockers, she can feel the cold locker freezing her back and the tight grips around her wrists, yep. It's Veronica.

Cheryl lifts her head, a very depressing look on her face as she meets the bully's eyes.

She notices Veronica's arm go back, 'Maybe she is letting me go?' Cheryl thought and hoped to herself, praying this wouldn't end up the way it did the last time.

But that wasn't the case.

The arm raised, come straight down, punching cheryl directly on the jaw, knowing for sure that a horrible bruise would form very soon.

It hurt like a bitch.

"This fag needs to be taught a lesson, don't you th-" just as Veronica was about to say a name, most likely her wingman, Reggie Mantle, she was cut off by a harsh and hard slap and push to the floor, causing Cheryl to be let free.

"How about you get your hands off her asshole" says the voice. But the scary part is, Cheryl knows that voice.

It's the voice she fell so madly in love with, the voice of the person she wishes she could wake up next too, share loving kisses with or even just hug.


Fucking Toni Topaz.

Her crush. Fuck.

As she tries to process everything going on in her brain at once, she feels a hand touch hers. It was warm and felt smooth against her pale palm.

As Cheryl raised her head, her eyes were met with some gorgeous, reassuring deep brown ones.

The eyes she fell so madly in love with.

Her mind can barely understand what is going on. Was it hit too hard or was Toni topaz actually standing in front of her helping her up?

"Are you okay? Does she always do that?" The beautiful brunette questioned, making Cheryl's heart race and melt at the same time.

"I-uh- yeah she d-does but it's uh fine" Cheryl stutters out, making a complete fool of herself and cursing herself for acting like such a fool in front of the most gorgeous girl she's ever seen.

"It's not fine, you don't deserve that." Toni says, pulling Cheryl into a cautious hug, hoping to show that she is here for the redhead.

But it meant so much to the both of them.

Both of there hearts were pounding.

"I know this sounds weird, but you seem pretty banged up. You have some scratches and bruises, but I have some things that could help back at my trailer. If it's okay, would you come?" Toni said, hoping the other girl would accept the offer. She was very visibly banged up.

"Oh-uh yeah s-sure." Cheryl stuttered out. Still in total disbelief.

Of course as they walked, they received many stares from mostly girls and guys who tried to get with Toni only for Toni to completely humiliate and reject them all.

When the two girls, one beaten up and one feeling sympathetic, got outside, they climbed into Toni's black convertible and they began to drive out. Neither of them caring that they are basically ditching school.

Part 2?? There would most likely be smut if there was to be a part two.

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