birthday blues

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toni forgets cheryl's birthday.

season 6 based, but toni isn't dating fangs nor cheryl.


it only took an insanely long day at work and a text from cheryl to realize what kind of large mistake she had made.

cheryl struggled with trusting people enough to be near her when she didn't require to be near them. so the only people she invited to her birthday dinner, was toni and britta.

she knew it was pathetic, but she hoped that at least the invite would be enough for toni to recognize that she was extending an olive branch, and hoping that she may not be as alone for her birthday as she thought.

she knew that betty and veronica have already forgot about her birthday, they never noticed it in highschool or even said as much as "happy birthday", so why would they care now?

she sent out the one invitation, hoping she would hear back from toni, the girl who she previously dated and still loves wholeheartedly. when she did, her eyes lit up at the small text she received.
"of course i'll be there, cher. ❤️" being the text that put so much hope into her heart.

but here she is, sat at a table, full of her and toni's favourite foods, but toni didn't show. she tried to hide her tears from britta, not wanting to burden a teenager with her issues, but britta noticed, and it made her heart ache almost the same amount as cheryl's, already being very close with the redhead.

she didn't feel like eating, she didn't even want to sit at the table anymore, she just wanted to curl up in bed and cry under the expensive covers of her bed.

toni was her last hope in someone caring about her, her last hope that somebody could still love her and that she wasn't incredibly disliked by everyone around her.

"it's quite alright for you to go to bed if you'd like, britta." cheryl says, plastering a fake smile onto her face.

and with that, she sent a quick message to toni, and continued playing around with the food on her plate.


toni was exhausted after such a long day, she had a very busy schedule and a lot of appointments with a variety of students up until a late point in the day.

she felt as though she was forgetting something, something important. but she just shook her head to rid the thoughts.

she drove home tiredly, finally deciding to make herself some dinner, watch some tv and hopefully wind down from her quite stressful day.

she made her way to her bedroom when finally arriving to her apartment, she changed out of her work clothes and hoped to accomplish a few things before having an early nights sleep, knowing baby anthony was spending a couple nights at her grandmas.

picking up her phone and turning it on for the first time that day, she realized just what the important thing she forgot was.

opening the text message from cheryl, she felt her heart drop into her stomach at how bad this situation is, how bad she fucked up.

cheryl: if you didn't want to show, you could've said so.
read - 6:45pm

toni knew damn well of everyone always forgetting about cheryl, her birthday, and sometimes, even her pure existence. she felt like the worst person in the world, knowing that cheryl had so much faith that she would show and she never did.

ignoring the breaking in her heart, she quickly threw some nicer clothes on, putting on a nice corset top and jeans, a better outfit to wear to an important dinner compared to the sweatpants she was previously sporting.

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