absolutely perfect

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cheryl had to undergo a c-section while giving birth to her and toni's daughter, it makes cheryl very insecure, knowing how much it had changed her body.
toni shows her just how beautiful she is.


Cheryl can easily remember the last time she was in this situation.

standing in for of the mirror, analyzing her body intensely, more specifically, the newly formed stretch marks, cellulite and deep scar on the bottom of her stomach.

of course she's proud of herself, she was able to create a baby with the love of her life, despite the struggles they had occurred. but it really pains cheryl to see the toll it took on her body.

what if toni sees them and is repulsed? what if her body is a turn off? what if toni doesn't like her anymore?

cheryl's head has been nothing but a jungle.

and the mirror has been her new obsession, in a horrible way. she's been paralyzed by her own mind, the reflection staring back at her seemingly yelling at her, telling her she's worth nothing and that her body is a disgrace.

her new after-shower routine consists of this.

standing in the mirror.

of course toni doesn't know about this. it's something she was terribly scared to tell toni. so instead of opening up, she did something her younger self would do, throw some walls in front of her and hide.

"babe? are you in there?" toni knocks gently on the door, speaking in a soft worrisome voice.
"oh, uh, yes toni. i'll be out in just a moment" cheryl stammers out, it wasn't like her to stutter and before she would just let toni in the bathroom with her. but she just couldn't shake the running thoughts from her mind.

toni laid back down on their shared bed. there newborn baby in the room down the hall, she had finally got her to sleep. she expected to spend some much needed one-on-one time with her wife. maybe watch a movie.

but now, toni's very worried. cheryl isn't acting at all like herself, and if you asked toni, cheryl is seemingly been more closed-off lately.

she hopes she's just assuming the worst, that maybe cheryl is perfectly fine and just tired from undergoing a painful birth.

just as the thoughts continue to run frantically in toni's mind, cheryl slides open the bathroom door; entering their bedroom in a pair of baggy sweatpants and a hoodie belonging to toni.

her wet hair falling down,  making a wet spot on the hoodie. if you asked toni, she wouldn't hesitate to tell you just how breathtaking cheryl looks. toni always thinks cheryl is gorgeous. nothing has ever caused her to think differently- she's absolutely beautiful.

"hey beautiful" toni gently pats the bed, signaling for her girlfriend to lay down with her. cheryl carefully walked over and laid down. she suddenly seemed to become very interested in the texture of there sheets, in a trance almost.

"cher? what's going on in that pretty head?" the brunette girl places her hand lovingly on her wife's thigh, hoping to provide some comfort.

"oh, i'm okay. just, thinking." cheryl says, not even sure herself what she's thinking. she just didn't know what to say.

"are you sure? you don't seem like yourself. i wont push you if you don't want to talk, but i am worried, my love." toni says, she gently placed her hand onto her wife's cheek, giving her a worried look.

"you just haven't been yourself."

and just like that, cheryl broke. her heart was struggling to take it. holding in all the racing thoughts and worries was starting to take a toll on her.

"h-how can you still love me toni? when i look like this now?" cheryl states, her voice coming out much more broken then intended.

"cher, baby, where is this coming from, love? you know that i think you are absolutely perfect." toni says gently, rubbing soothing rubs on cheryl leg, evident worry and sincerity clear in her voice. 

"how could you still love me with the stupid scar on my stomach? with the stretch marks and- my body is just-"

"baby." toni cuts off, hearing the poor girls breathing labor and her voice become more and more desperate. she places her hands gently onto her girlfriends cheeks. "you are absolutely perfect. i have never seen anybody as gorgeous, kind, loving and strong as you are. those scars, those show just how strong you are. you showed everyone just how perfect and strong you are." toni says in the most loving and comforting voice.
"i think that your scar and beauty marks are beautiful."

tears are falling down cheryl's stained face, her teary eyes staring into the loving brown orbs in front of her.

cheryl didn't exactly know what to say, she felt like there had been a massive weight lifted off her shoulders, she didn't know how to express just how truly grateful she was for her girlfriend, so instead of saying any words, you lunged forward, shoving her wet face into toni's chest and wrapping her arms tightly around her.

toni kisses the top of cheryl's head, pouring every ounce of love into the distressed girl.

"watch out, my love" toni gently switches there position, laying cheryl gently on the bed.

"may i, sweetheart?" cheryl nods gently. toni gently pulls up cheryl's sweatshirt, leaving her shirtless, before leaning down and tenderly kissing every stretch mark on cheryl's breasts, cheryl purely melting and tearing up under her, feeling so much love.

just as cheryl thought toni was done, she felt toni gently move her pants down, feeling soft lips place onto the long scar engraved onto the very bottom of her abdomen.

toni sits back up, kissing cheryl on the lips with so much love. "you should never doubt yourself, love. you are so gorgeous and important to everyone."

toni spoons cheryl, whispering sweet nothings and placing kisses onto the taller girls head until she feels her girlfriend go limp on top of her, knowing she had finally fell into a deep sleep.

and as cheryl did, toni quickly dozed off, holding cheryl tightly in her grasp.


a/n : never feel insecure about any kind of scar, they show your strength. you are all so beautiful. ❤️

(posted 2 times this week???? DAMN)

i don't spell check queens and kings 🫣

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