Chapter 89

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3rd person POV:

New Year's Eve.

"Asleep? Already?" Yoko exclaimed.

"Guess she was tired." Natsu said, snapping a picture of a sleeping Fuyumi.

"She does take care of all of us." Shoto hummed.

"Yeah, but its only 11pm!" Yoko whined. "I wanted everybody to be awake for New Years."

"We can wake her up later." Natsu said. "I'll go get a blanket."

He walks off, leaving Yoko and Shoto in awkward silence.

Shoto shuffled closer to his sister (cousin, whatever) and pressed his fire side to her arm, warming up her cold body. Yoko flinched at the sudden affection, but accepted it nonetheless.

"Did Midoryia and Bakugou accept the invitation to Endeavor's agency?" Yoko asked.

"Yes." Shoto said. "We will be starting tomorrow."

"You'll be here for my birthday though, right??"

"Of course." Yoko's birthday was the day right after New Year's, January 2. Shoto shifted. "How is Kaminari treating you??"

"He's great!" Yoko said excitedly. "He's actually real sweet."

"That's good to hear. I was afraid there would be blood this year." SHoto said with a glint in his eye.

"Shotooooooooo!" Yoko slapped his arm.

"It was a joke." his mouth twitched up. "But I will not hesitate to hurt Kaminari if he touches a hair on your head."

Yoko shook her head, smiling. "Do you like anyone?"

"I don't know." Shoto admitted. "I'm.....not even sure I am attracted to girls...."

"Ooo, boys then?" Yoko asked.

Shoto didn't answer and simply tried to cover up the faint sprinkle of blush that had appeared on his face.

Yoko snickered. "I'll find out soon enough."

Natsu, who had been listening to his sibings banter from the doorway, smiled. He loved it when his family got along so well...

If only Mom was here...


"Have fun!!" Fuyumi waved.

"Byyyeeee!" Yoko waved.

"See you later." Shoto nodded.

The two U.A. students made their way to the bus. There, they had to split up at a stop.

"Bye Shoto! Say hi to Midoryia and Bakugou for me!" Yoko said as she hopped off the bus.

"Sure. Give my greetings to Kaminari, Sero, and Mineta."

"Okk! Byeeeee!"

Humming, the daughter of Endeavor boarded another bus. She skipped to a seat and waited.

The doors of the bus slid open again and three very familiar boys ran in.

"Yokooo!" Denki sang.

"Wassup?" Sero grinned.

"Hii!" Mineta drooled.

"Hi guys!" Yoko smiled. 

The bus drove for several minutes, allowing the U.A. students to chatter among themselves. Finally, they reached their destination. When they all got off the bus, they found The Lurkers waiting for them.

opposites attract | kaminari denki [REWRITING] [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now