Chapter 115

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Continued from last chapter.

3rd person POV:

Deku fell to his knees, crying, as Uraraka finished her speech.

Two people pushed past the people and ran toward Deku. One was Kota Izumi. The other was the tall woman that Deku had saved before he had come back. Both had tears in their eyes.

"BIG BRO MIDORYIA!" Kota cried, tears and snot running down his face. "I was so scared, I couldn't move! B-but when I heard that lady...I had to go to you! That's why..." he gave Deku a tear-streaked smile. "I AM HERE! Get it? Please stop crying!"

"Kota-kun..." Deku said in a hoarse voice.

The woman who Deku had saved smiled and crouched down, hugging him. "So you were a U.A. student...thank you so much for saving me!"


Steam plumed up, and the girls all sighed.

"Its so nice to have a bath without any worries." Yoko hummed.

"Yeah." Jiro agreed, splashing water onto her. "I'm glad the people let Midoryia stay."

"Say, where's Uraraka?" Mina asked.

"She's out cold." Tsuyu informed them. "She was worn out from her speech."

"That was a really big speech she did, just for Midoryia-san." Momo agreed.

Chisako yawned. "Y'know, I'm really tired too."

Toru was swimming around energetically. "Well, I'm not!!!!!!!"

"I think I'm going to chat with the other after this and then hit the sack." Yoko chimed in.

"Yes, me too." Momo nodded.

"I wonder what the boys are doing." Mina said.

"Probably something weird."

The boys:





The boys yeeted Deku into the bath.


"Yeah, something weird." Chisako shrugged.


"Thanks, everyone." Deku said. "And sorry for the trouble."

"Oh, we forgot to ask." Mina rubbed her wet hair. "Can you tell us about OFA?"

"It must have have a lot of quirks stored up." Ojiro commented.

"Its strong, right?"

"It breaks your bones?"

"I'm sure Midoryia is the most tired out of all of us." Shoto appeared, one hand tousling his own wet hair. He probably didn't mean to, but he looked like a model. "Let him rest."

"I'm fine...." Deku smiled at Shoto. "In fact, I can't sleep."


"Why's that?" Shoto took a seat next to Deku.


"I said something horrible to All Might...and now I want to apologize." Deku explained. "I need to get ahold of him, but I can't--"

He stopped when Shoto pointed at the door.

All Might ran in, panting. "I AM HERE! I'm sorry, Midoryia!"

"Hey! We don't get a apology???" Mina protested.

"Everything will be fine." All Might said. "I've gotten some new info, but--"

"ALL MIGHT!" Deku exclaimed. "Let us help you! We can do this--"

"--together!" Iida finished.

All Might smiled. "Thank you. Well, I'll be going now!"


"Yes, I need to go and find Endeavor and Hawks."



"Are they not coming to U.A.?" Sato asked, referring to Endeavor and Hawks.

"Endeavor can't just pop up like that into the public." Yoko said. "The people are still..." she hesitated. "...kind of lamenting over Touya. But I think some people still respect him..."

"Ah." Momo said. "Look."

Deku had fallen asleep, a peaceful look over his face.

"We're Touya's siblings, so people are avoiding us." Shoto admitted as he draped a blanket over Deku. (OMG TODODEKU ok ill stop).

"Don't you get frustrated?" Kirishima asked. "Its not like you did anything to deserve this..."

"I did. I was so caught up in my own problems that I forgot about my origins. But I've changed." Shoto looked up, a small smile evident on his lips. "And I'll prove it to everyone. I won't let you guys worry about me anymore."

"Ever since my mental state's been revealed, people have been giving me pitiful looks left and right, but they won't approach." Yoko shrugged. "I mean, not that I care. It would be worse if people fretted over me, which I hate. I guess...I don't know, I guess I'm not the same person I was one year ago."

"You didn't even flirt back with me." Denki recalled.

She smacked him. "Thats because I didn't know you, dimwit."

Chisako snickered from where she sat on her wheelchair in the middle of Fumikage and Bakugou. "Yeah, he's a dimwit all right."

"'Some people still respect him'." Jiro repeated what Shoto had just said. She stared at her ear jack. "Its the same, isn't it? Though its strange to group them together."

Her ear jacks gathered up a irriated Bakugou, a surprised Momo, a complaining Denki, a blinking Fumikage, and a yelping Yoko - the band that was formed during the School Festival.

"....Jiro...?" Shoto exclaimed.

"People regard us with apprehension." Jiro said. "In order to ease their nerves, in order to make them smile..." she grinned at her bandmates. "We'll think of what we can do. Just like the School Festival...lets give them everything we got!!! Thats what we've been doing."

"Right." Shoto nodded.

"We won't just take it back...we'll move forward. We'll become better versions of ourselves....Go Beyond, Plus Ultra."

Just a few more chapters, then this book will be over!

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