Chapter 94

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Yoko POV:

The winter break was over in a flash, and before we knew it, there was only three months until we graduated into second years.

"Happy new year, my fellow classmates!" Iida said with a happy smile. He was standing at the front of the class with Momo at his side. "For today's practical lesson, you'll be showing off your skills you earned from your internships. Be prepared to share what you have gained. Now then, lets suit up and head to Ground Alpha!"

Suddenly, Aizawa opened the door. I guess he was expecting us to be loud and not doing what we were supposed to do, so he yelled, "stop talking and get back in your--oh."

"Happy new year, Sensei!" Mina sang as we piled out the door with my costumes.

"I did a briefing of today's activities, just like you asked!" Iida told a dumbfounded Aizawa.

"Iida's all fired up, huh?" Sero said.

"Uh huh." Denki said.

"He's like a loose bike chain." Chisako snorted.

As Aizawa stared at his 'responsible' students, he heard his name get called over the intercom: "Shota Aizawa, please report to the faculty room."

Girls changing room.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Yoko-channnnn!!" Toru said. "What's that on your wrist?"

I held up my hand, my gold bracelet glinting. "Oh, this? This was a birthday present from Denki-kun!"

"That's so sweet!" Chisako said. 

"It was your birthday?" Mina exclaimed.

"Yeah, I didn't expect anyone to remember it, since it was the day we started our internships." I shrugged.

Mina started to fret. "But yeah, it was your birthday! Your 16th birthday! How did I forget?"

"....Its doesn't really matter, Ashido." I chuckled. "As long as my family remembers it, I'm fine."

We moved to a different subject. "Wow, Uraraka, your costume changed a lot!"

"Y-yeah..." Uraraka blushed. 

"Wow! This is so heavy!" Jiro exclaimed as she hefted one of Uraraka's wrist guards.

"Yeah, there are wires inside, so I can nullify things with them." Uraraka explained. "Heavy stuff aren't a problem to me!"

"And whats over here?" Chisako asked as she held up a belt-looking thing.

"AAHHH! WAIIITTTT!" Uraraka shrieked.

Something small dropped out of the thing Chisako was holding, and we all went silent. It was the small All Might key chain Deku had given Uraraka for Christmas.

"Isn't this..." Jiro said.

Chisako paused for a second, then her face lit up. "I GET IT!" she started to jump up and down and squealed. "My ship! My ship has sailed!"

(A/N: as I tododeku shipper it pains me to write this)

"N-no! Its not like that!" Uraraka picked the key chain up with a small smile. "I'll just put this away now."


When we met up with the boys outside, I noticed one of Bakugou's spiky masks sticking out of Deku's hair.

"Uhm." I said.

"WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME?" Chisako yelled at Bakugou.

Bakugou merely smirked evilly.

Suddenly, we heard a voice: "I...AM...."

We turned.

All Might appeared. "...MAKING COTTON CANDY!"

We all sweatdropped and a crow cawed in the background. Awkward silence.

"Aw, come on, no one laughed?" All Might sighed at his own lame joke.

"Where's Aizawa-Sensei?" we asked.

"He had to go somewhere." All Might said. "But don't worry! I'll be here to supervise you today!!"


"MWAHA! WE ARE THE ROBOTS! WE HATE HUMANS!" The training robots cried.

"Navel Sword!" Aoyama posed. He had made his laser into a shape of a sword.

"All right!" Toru used her hands to warp the light radiating off of Aoyama to destroy the robots.

Gloppy, sticky acid surrounded Mina as she slammed onto another robot, melting it instantly. The acid melted off of her. "Whoo!"

"Excellent work!" All Might and we students applauded. "Certainly the work of the internship under the No. 9 hero, Yoroi Musha!"

"In order to follow all sorts of battle moves, we had to develop new techniques!" Toru explained.

Ojiro and Sato. With the internship under the Lion Hero, they both strengthened their muscles. They broke and smashed through the robots easily.

Jiro and Shoji. Under the No. 12 hero Gang Orca, they worked on enhancing their reconnaissance. They used their respective quirks to break the robots.

Sero, Mineta, Denki, and me (Yoko). We had worked hard to maintain teamwork under The Lurkers. I lured the robots to Sero, who taped the robots together, then Mineta reinforced the trap with grape balls, allowing Denki to easily electrocute the discarded metal parts.

Iida. He had worked on mindset under Manual, No. 222 hero. He brought his leg down to the robots and broke them.

Koda: Wash, No. 8 hero. He worked on smooth communication for his animals to do his bidding.

Fumikage. He worked on overall strength with Dark Shadow, under the No. 2 hero Hawks (away from office). Dark Shadow surrounded the edgelord, clawing through the robots.

Chisako. Under the harsh training of Miruko, No. 5 pro hero, she had worked on speed, flexibility, and element of surprise, using her fast reflexes to avoid the robots and attack at unexpected times.

Kirishima had gone under the BMI hero: Fat Gum, to see how fast you can make the villains lose their wills to fight.

Uraraka and Tsuyu - decision making, under Ryukyu, No. 10 hero. By making quick decisions, they would not allow the opponent to think.

Momo, Magic Hero: Majestic. Prediction and efficiency - how fast she could predict her opponent's movements and counter attack them.

Shoto, Deku, Bakugou, under the Flame Hero: Endeavor. Shoto: speed. He has to work on his speed to use both fire and ice at the same time. Bakugou: increasing potential power. Building up his power to blast the robots away in a powerful explosion. Deku: Experiences. By using his past experiences, he takes the opportunity to improve.

I whistled. "Wow, they really improved."

"Yeah." Denki agreed. "Midoryia's really got those black wisps under control, huh?"

"And Shoto is getting used to using both sides." I observed.

"Katsuki's strong and violent, as always." Chisako grinned. "I like it."

We started to laugh and chat among another...but little did we know that our happiness would be short-lived in a couple of weeks.

Dang *whistles*

I'm supposed to be researching Ukraine and  Russia rn but hey, fuck school.


- DGD/Mrs. Kaminari

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