Chapter 2: Adryan Levithan (Remastered)

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It's the next day, and I have a week to prepare for my audition.

I went to the hospital to visit dad. I needed to talk to him about everything.
I entered his room and his face lit up as soon as he saw me.

"Hi dad" I waved happily.
"Adryan, my boy. Back so soon?" He smiled. I sat on his bed.

"So, tell me what you've been up to," He said. He was always interested in the stories I brought from my recent experiences. It gets boring sitting on a hospital bed all days.

"About that, I have some news," I said and he gave me the most comforting smile ever. He's always smiled at me like I was the world to him.

I was his first child and he never stopped loving me even after Oliver was born. He always gave me the best pieces of advice and yes, they helped me. He accepted me even when I came out to my parents? I mean they both did, but my dad always saw me the same.

"So, I may have sent out an application to audition to this singing show called Starsdom that promises instant fame"
His eyes lit up and he gave me a big smile, "a singing show? You know how I've been bugging you to enter one"
I nodded and he hugged me tight, swaying left and right. he said,
"my boy is finally doing it, he's finally going after his dreams"
"Daaaaaad," suffocating hugs are a thing in the family.
"But don't celebrate yet, I'm waiting for a confirmation note" I added.
"Who cares!" He happily said as he continued hugging me.

I didn't complain because I knew that one day I wouldn't be able to hug him. But that didn't matter, I am going to win and I am going to help him. This is the first time I've felt positive about this competition.
We stopped hugging.

"But dad, now talking serious, I'm going to promise you something. Whatever debt you and mom have, I promise I'm going help get rid of it" He gave me a convincing nod and gave me another hug.
"I know you will son" he rubbed my back and I closed my eyes.

I left the hospital and I went straight home. As soon as I stepped my foot in the front door, my mom yelled my name so loud.
"Adryan!" She ran with a note in her hand.
"What!" I said startled with my heart at the edge of my mouth.
"It came!" She gave me a note that said


I gasped, I grabbed it and I opened it quickly. I unfolded the note and it said,

Dear Adryan: We would love to have you audition for the show. Your story is inspiring and we would love to see you fight for your dreams. To audition, you will need a suitcase with your clothes and personal belongings. Because if you enter, you will be staying at the Starsdom resort.

I looked at my mom with a surprised smile on my face.
"Mom, they said yes!" I yelled so loudly that Oliver came to where we were.

"What's wrong," Oliver said concerned. "They are going to let Adryan audition!!" Mom yelled and started jumping around with Oliver.
"But mom there was something else," I said. "What?" She stopped jumping.
"If I do enter, I'm going to move to the Starsdom resort for the competition" I explained And her smile now turned to a frown.
"You're moving out?" She asked sadly.
"Not exactly, I probably won't even make it, anyway," I said and she shook her head in disapproval.

"Stop saying if, no, and won't. You are going to pack your suitcase and practice as hard as you can. This is your dream" she said. She gave me a weak smile. And then I heard Oliver crying.

"Oliver, why are you crying?" I said as I hugged him as he sobbed.
"I don't want you to go!" He cried
"Relax, I'll mention you on Tv when I win"
He rose his head and looked at me with a small grin.
"Deal" he placed his head on my chest. He was starting to calm down.
"It's going to be ok" I started stroking his hair and he closed his eyes. I looked at my mom and she was crying as well, but silently. We spent all afternoon crying, but I had to pack and practice.

It's been three days and my audition is in two days. I've been practicing non-stop. The song I decided to sing was "God knows I tried" by Lana del Rey. A soft song that fits my genre of music and my style of singing, which is similar. She's my favorite singer so, it's perfect.

I wish to sing a duet with her. I imagine that all the time. I also packed my suitcase I had everything in it, my laptop with all my songs, important clothes, and other things. I am so nervous. What if everything goes wrong and they don't like it? what if I freeze in front of the judges and forget the lyrics? Let's not have negative thoughts. I can do this.

I kept practicing and practicing. Until the day of the audition finally came.
I had my room cleaned up very nicely. I looked at it one last time and I left. I walked through the hall and I heard my mom fighting,

"no, Oliver. The cakes go here" I arrived in the living room and it had balloons, cupcakes, and confetti, almost as if was my birthday.

"What is this?" I asked. To be honest, I did not expect this.
I started tearing up and mom hugged me.
"I wish you the best of luck" she kissed my cheek and then I gave Oliver a separate hug that lasted for like two minutes.

I grabbed a cupcake and started eating. "Thanks, this is perfect," I said.
"Oliver and I made them yesterday. He's such a good baker"
"A baker? Way to go Oliver?" I laughed as mom complimented Oliver and his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.
"Stop" he waved his hand softly and we laughed. We talked for a short time, but it was time to leave.
I grabbed another cupcake. I could've taken them all, but the nervousness had my stomach doing all kinds of party tricks.

I exited my house. Mom and Oliver came out of the house and stood on the porch waving me goodbye. I did the same and I started driving. I don't know why, but I felt anxious saying goodbye to them.

I ate the cupcake during the ride and when I finished, I started giving myself a pep talk.
"Adryan, listen to yourself. You are going to do something you've never done before. I know it's scary, but remember to have fun even if you don't make it to the show"

I arrived at the place where they held auditions. It was a stadium. My heart started beating fast and I started sweating. Now it's not the time for a panic attack. I parked my car at a special parking zone that was for the ones who were going to audition.

I got out of the car and gave the suitcase to a guy and he tossed it into a van. And I entered the stadium. There were two men at a table. I walked to them and they asked, "name?"
"Adryan Levithan," I said as one of them got up and said,
"Follow me"

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