Chapter 3: Audition (Remastered)

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I followed the guy and he took me to a waiting room. It was filled with many contestants waiting to be called. I sat in an empty chair next to a girl.
She had pigtails, one side light brown, and the other side light purple. Her makeup was wild.

"Hi," I said trying to make conversation. I needed to make friends better than enemies.
"The AI are going end all of us," she simply said and I stared at her weirded out. "Okay?" I said.
Yep, she's weird. I got more comfortable in my seat and I grabbed my phone.

"Just kidding, I'm Clarissa" she suddenly said and I turned my attention towards her.
"I'm Adryan," I said nervously. We shook hands.
"Get ready to witness my glory. I'll make an impact" she's confident, really confident.

"The adrenaline is crazy. I got into this room and I can't stop moving" she pointed to her leg that was bouncing up and down. "We haven't performed yet" I added.

She continued ranting and I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I followed the gaze and I saw a guy, a type of guy that already looks like a popular radio singer. He shifted his gaze away from me when I noticed.

A woman came out of the room and called Clarissa's name.
"See you later, Adryan" she did something weird with her fingers and entered the other room.

I grabbed my phone and I started scrolling through social media. The nervousness couldn't help me focus. I felt eyes on me again.

What is it? I thought to myself. The seat next to me was empty. I expected him to sit next to me, that's how much he was looking at me.

I continued scrolling through my phone for a few more minutes. Until they called my name. My heart dropped and I felt paralyzed all of the sudden.
I remembered the Pep talk I gave myself earlier in the car, and I stood up and entered the room.
The three judges were there in the usual judge seats that every show has. I couldn't believe who I saw.

Carla Mathews, One of the most popular female singers in this generation. She has won awards all over the world, and she only does a few concerts in Las Vegas, and then she goes off the grid for three years.

Grant Priest, The biggest rockstar of all time. He has an insane style when it comes to clothing and music. He's insane.

And Thomas Evanston the best singer from the '90s. I thought he retired and disappeared. Well, here he is.

I stood on a big star in the center of the room. In the same color from before. "Alright, tell us more about yourself, "
Carla said. They stared at me and my heart was beating so loudly and my knees were shaking.

"I'm Adryan Levithan, I'm 19 years old, and I live in Anaheim, California"
"Why are you auditioning for Starsdom?" Thomas asked.
"I want to audition for this show to follow my dreams and make my father proud" "Very well, sing for us now" Grant motioned me to start singing.

I took a deep breath and I started singing. I started very well, I think. I was singing it exactly as I practiced with the hopes to impress them enough to let me in the show. I belted out the notes perfectly and I made my special voice cracks that sound like autotune.

I finished singing and they looked at me like they were hypnotized. I stood there awkwardly and all of them started clapping.

"That was unique, I think one of the most unique voices I heard this entire day" Carla gave me a confident smile and I knew she wasn't trying to make me feel good, she really meant it.

"Your style is like she said, unique. The way you cracked your voice and made it sound like autotune is so satisfying and amazing" Grant said giving me two thumbs up.

"You have an artistic voice. It sounds like you are already famous and you're playing a prank on us. Is he playing a prank on us?" Thomas asked the cameraman and he shook his head. He looked at me convinced and said,
"Should we vote?"
"Yes, darling," said Carla. "I say yes," she said.
I felt relieved. I got one star which means I'm on the show! I can't believe it.
"Yes," Grant said.
"Yes," Thomas said.
"Congratulations, Adryan. You got three stars" Grant said and they all congratulated me.

I couldn't believe what just happened. I got three stars, THREE STARS!!

"Just follow this guy and he will take you to the bus where the others are waiting" Carla pointed at the guy behind me waiting.

I followed him and he took me to a big bus that was already filled with contestants that entered the show. I got in and sat in the first seat that I saw available.

I sat next to a blonde girl, she had light green eyes, and she looked very elegant. Again, I decided to make conversation,
"Hi. I'm Adryan" She looked at me and smiled
"I'm Louise" her smile was model-like-perfect, and her teeth were pearly white. "So how many stars did you get?" She asked.
"Three," I said confidently and she gasped, "same, you're the fourth one today to get three stars. The rest got two or one. The judges said they want people with artistry, originality, and uniqueness"
The judges did say that my sound was unique. Did they really call me unique? I still can't believe it.

The last person entered the train and the driver started driving and the contestants were laughing, shouting, singing, and having fun while we got to the resort.

I started thinking about my family. How will they react once they don't see me come back home? Or when they see me on tv and see me get three stars, or my dad in the hospital watching me and feeling proud of himself for having a son that chased his dreams even though it seemed impossible.
I was going to win. I needed to do it for them

Starsdom 1: Extended RemasterWhere stories live. Discover now