Chapter 8: Family (Remastered)

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We watched our interviews. Luckily they didn't change much of the meaning of what I said, because that would've been terrible.

I've been waiting for my mom or Oliver to send me a message, but they haven't written anything.

Today we had to upload our songs to the Starsdom app. The fans have exactly one week to listen to the song, stream, and vote for it.

I was on my bed with my laptop listening to my song before I published it.
I felt anxious. What if people don't like my song? What if it gets eliminated and I end up with two? I don't know what will happen. I just hope the fans like it.

Damien was in the gym, So I was alone.
I wanted to take a nap, And I did. I slept for so long. Sleeping stress off takes a lot of time.

When I woke up, it was past dinner time. And the whole day passed. Damien appeared out of nowhere without his shirt on. He noticed me and his eyes went wide.
"I thought you were asleep," he said
"Yeah, I was" I rubbed my eyes. He noticed me looking at his body and he said
"forgot my shirt" He walked to his drawer and put one on.

I wasn't staring! I just woke up and my eyes were focusing on reality. I did see his abs and noticeable v line. Crap, I was staring!

He sat in his bed and asked
"did you upload your song?" I nodded. I got up and I stretched.
"I'm going for a walk"
"Great, I'll go with you" he happily said and followed me. I was ahead of him and he didn't see my reaction.
I opened my eyes really wide and I blew. Wanting some alone time to help leave this awkwardness would've been nice.

I'm going to make a fool out of myself, just wait. He walked faster to catch up with me And he gave me a sexy smirk. One that he always seems to do. Is that a habit of his? I don't know.

I smiled at him and we kept walking.
"Let's talk about something," I said.
"Tell me about your family," he said

"Well, I love both of my parents. They mean the world to me. My mom works nonstop to take care of us, my brother is a silly goofball that I love, and my dad has leukemia" Damien winced and apologized.

"I only care about my mom, She was the only person who treated me like a real son. My father, always thought I was his personal punching bag. The man beat me every time he felt like it." Damien clenched his fists and rolled his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, no person deserves to be treated like that," I said softly.
I honestly felt bad. Damien's father hitting him and treating him badly. It's sad. No parent should treat their child like that. That abuse stays in your mind forever and it never leaves.

"I auditioned for this show to win, move out, take my mom with me, and leave him alone. He deserves it"
"Yeah, he will soon know what consequences he has made" I added.

"I'm glad, you understand. Every time I would tell someone that I was treated badly, no one believed me. They believed my father because he was older and the one in charge. That's bullshit"

He shook his head and changed the subject.
"I tried calling mom from my phone and this place blocks cellphone calling"
"What?" I asked confused.
"Yes, they never said anything about restricting calls and communication with those outside the resort"
"That's strange, Damien"

That could be the reason why I didn't receive any text or email from my mom telling me what's happened at home.

We walked for a few more minutes and we decided to return to our rooms. While we were walking in the hallway, our hands brushed.

The amount of electricity my body felt was enough to get me in shock and light up in fire. I've never touched a guy's hand that way. I know it's not a big deal, but for me it is. We both looked at each other for a few seconds and we returned to our room. I didn't want to talk about it, because it was gonna be awkward.

I know he likes me, ever since what happened yesterday, I feel it. Has my undefeated streak of gaydar proved me wrong? I don't know. He could be gay, bi, queer.

Six days passed and Damien and I kept talking more often. The theory of him liking me grows every day and I don't want to say anything about it.

What if he's straight and I'm overreacting? What if I embarrass myself? I have to stay silent. The show was tomorrow. Not all of us are performing, only the ones who have the biggest song streams. If my song is streamed a lot, I have to perform. I still have to dress up, even if they don't pick me. I hope they choose me. That will demonstrate that I have fans. If they don't choose me, that means they don't like me.

I rehearsed my song and the choreography various times. I wanted it to be perfect.

I needed a break. I went to the restaurant to grab a snack. I just ate there alone and I thought about my family. I want to know how they're doing. What are they going through ever since I left? How's Oliver? He must feel alone, not having anyone to play with, to laugh with. I wish I could just go home for just one day and see them, I miss them so much.
"Yooooo, Adryan!" I heard someone yell far away.
"Adryan!" Clarissa yelled as she ran towards me.
"Hey Clarissa" I gave her a simple wave. "Jacks asked me to come get you" After all that running to find me, How is she not out of breath? and why did Jacks send Clarissa to come find me?
"Why?" I asked very confusedly.
"We're just playing games and having fun, come on" she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat. She walked so fast. I felt like I was going to trip. She hummed a song and then laughed. She scares me sometimes.

We arrived at Clarissa's and Jacks' rooms. Louise was there, Veronica too, and some dude that had this sarcastic grin that never seemed to leave his face.
Jacks was there sitting in his bed with his legs crossed.

"I found him!" Clarissa yelled and they all looked at me.
"Hi" I awkwardly said and the guy started laughing. Everyone looked at him and he stopped laughing.
Jacks quickly got up from his bed and walked towards me.
"Hey, Adryan" he gave me a wink. And I tried not to die inside.
"Come on, sit" he led me to his bed. Louise and Veronica were laughing and they saw me,
"Adryan, come here" she patted at Clarissa's bed, the one they were sitting on. I left Jacks' bed and I sat with them. I saw the look of disappointment on Jacks' face when I left the bed.
"we were talking about some fun stuff," Louise said playing with her naturally long nails.
"What stuff?" I asked.
"Boys," Veronica said with a cheeky grin. "You like them right?" Louise asked "Because if you do, I don't mind. I'm all about equality" she flipped her hair and I laughed a little.
"I'm one hundred percent gay. I love your gaydar, by the way. May have some competition"
Both of them said "yay!" And started clapping.
"Has any boy caught your eye lately?" Louise asked. I didn't answer. But she looked at me surprised.
"Oh my god, you do?"
Wait do I? I mean...
My cheeks went a little red and she laughed.
"Okay, who is it? Is it Jacks?"
"Jacks, why him?" I ask
"Oh because of Jacks always...." Veronica couldn't finish her sentence, because Louise smacked her in the arm.
"Shhhh," she said.
"Ow" Veronica whined.
"Anyways. Let's talk about something else" Louise said.
Why didn't she let Veronica finish her sentence? I wonder what she was going to say.

"Hey, cuties" the other guy walked to us and started talking.
"What do you want Hector? Louise said in an annoyed tone.
"I want to play a game" He stood in the center of the room and yelled.

"Guys, let's play a game!"
"What game? weirdo" Clarissa asked. "Let's write in a piece of paper our honest opinions about somebody in this room without identifying ourselves"
"Sounds good," Clarissa said.
"I'm down," Louise also said.
Veronica nodded
Jacks just shrugged.
"It's up to you, Levithan. If you say no, we're just going to do it anyway" Hector pointed at me.
"Yeah, how bad can it be" I said He jumped and celebrated.

"Let's get started"

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