Chapter 19: Charlotte's big plan (Remastered)

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I plan to finish writing my special song. I still haven't finished the lyrics.

I can't think.
I don't know what's happening to me. I'm too distracted.

Jacks planned for all of us to spend the day together walking around and having fun.

I'm going to see if I get inspired and figure out some lyrics to the song.

I met up with Jacks and Clarissa in their room.
We went to Louise's and Veronica's room after.
"Today it's going to be a fun day," Louise said as she finished braiding her pigtails. "Come on let's go. I'm hungry" Clarissa said jumping, up and down trying to rush us. "Ok, ok. Let's go" she said as we left her room.

We joked around and ate crazy food from the buffet that I haven't actually tried before.

Now we were in the pool area resting.
"I'm ready for a dip," Veronica said as she took off the rest of her clothes and stayed in her underwear.
"Oh my god, Veronica. Showing off!" Louise said and she laughed shyly.

Louise took off her clothes as well and jumped at the same time as Veronica.

"Wow, that looked good!" Clarissa yelled and did the same. The water splashed all over Jacks and me,
"Hey, not funny," he said and they all laughed.
"I'll keep splashing both of you if you don't join us" Clarissa yelled preparing to splash us once again.
"I'm not falling for it," he said.

Clarissa didn't care. She shrugged and splashed us. He gasped and looked at her shocked.
"that's it I'm getting in. Adryan join me" "What, why?" I asked and he laughed "Don't make me pick you up"
"You wouldn't dare" I backed away from him.

He took off his shirt and his shoes. And stood there waiting for me.
"Do I have a choice?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Come on hurry up!" Clarissa yelled and I took my shirt and shoes off as well.
Jacks picked me up. His warm hands held my waist softly and he had this silly grin. I placed my hands on his bare shoulders and we gazed for a short time.

It was the most magical thing ever.
Having him hold me and feeling his bare skin and his hands feeling mine, made my day.

But it all ended because he threw me in the pool. The girls cheered and he jumped. We all splashed each other like little kids.

Jacks splashed me the most, he was one silly gentleman let me tell you that.

"Wait! What's wrong with her?" Veronica said as she pointed to Charlotte who sat on a bench alone and depressed.

"Should we talk to her?" Jacks asked.
"Let's go," Louise said as she left the pool. Clarissa complained and we all left the pool and dried a bit.

We walked towards Charlotte,
"Charlotte are you ok?" Jacks asked as he sat in the other chair.
"It's nothing" she shrugged.
"Is it because Hector got eliminated?" I asked and she nodded with tearful eyes. "Yes, I already miss him. We had something you know"

I don't get the fact on why she had hardcore feelings for Hector after being his girlfriend for like four days.
"It just happened so fast they just took him," she said sadly.
"I'm sorry, they?" I asked and she nodded. "I searched throughout the whole stadium looking for him to say goodbye and I saw some men taking him away. He was unconscious" she explained and I looked at Jacks and we both shared a confused expression.

"Did you see where they took him?" Clarissa asked biting her fingernails.
"No, I didn't want them to see me" "Something seems sketchy about some guys taking him unconscious," Louise said and Veronica nodded.

"I'm going to sneak into the stadium tonight," Charlotte said and we all looked at her wide-eyed.
"You can't. You can't sneak around. If they find you, you'll be disqualified"
Jacks said and she rolled her eyes and shrugged,
"I don't care. I'm going to and you're not going to stop me" she stood up and stormed off.
"There's something wrong about this place. Honestly, it scares me" Clarissa said rubbing the goosebumps on her arms. "That story Charlotte said was weird. We need to learn what they actually do to those who get eliminated. I don't think this is a normal type of elimination" I said and they nodded.

"Have you heard from one of them?" Jacks asked and Louise shook her head, "They never talk about them. It's like they disappear"
"It doesn't make sense, why would they do that to us?" Veronica asked.

"It's too good to be true, this whole place is. I'm going to find out what's actually happening, And I need your help" Clarissa said.
"And this whole mess with the judges?" I asked and she pointed at me,
"another thing we need to look out for. What if they're behind that?"
"Let's plan something. I'll talk to Charlotte and if she does sneak into the stadium, I'll have her talk to one of us" Jacks said and we all agreed to his idea.

Hours passed and we all went to our hotel rooms and got cleaned. Jacks asked me to meet him in the lobby in thirty minutes to talk to Charlotte.

Before I left my room I was stopped by Damien.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I have some stuff to do, I'll see you later," I said and I grabbed the doorknob.

"No, I don't like that. Why aren't you telling me?" He asked with a concerned tone.

"I'm close to something, I'll tell you when I figure it out. I promise" I said and I left.

I probably left him there standing, but I was running late for three minutes.

I met Jacks in the lobby and we searched the hotel for Charlotte.

Checked her room, and she wasn't there. Luckily her roommate told us the last time they saw Charlotte.

We rushed to her current location and she was there, dressed all black, hiding behind some bushes. We rushed silently to her. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked.
"I need you to do something for me," Jacks said and she nodded.
"I need you to tell Louise, Veronica, Clarissa, Adryan, or me what you find. You can trust us"
"Why should I trust you, because I told you some story" she hissed and I shook my head.
"We think something is going on with the judges and I need to see if they have something to do with what you saw," I said and she looked at us without saying a word.

"Fine, I'll tell the first one I see. Happy?" She said.
"Very. thank you. We appreciate it" Jacks said.
"Now get out, I'm doing this alone," she told us to leave and we did.
"We did good," Jacks said and I smiled at him, "we make a pretty good team," I said and he playfully shoved my shoulder

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