Chapter 9: Honest Opinion (Remastered)

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Hector was searching all over the room for a piece of paper.

He found a notebook with the name "Jacks" written in the center with a black sharpie.
"Dude" Jacks complained as Hector opened his notebook.

Hector ripped one page and grabbed a pen. "Everyone will take turns to write an opinion about someone, then I will take them all, read them, and find out who wrote it" he smiled.

He wrote something, ripped the piece of paper that had the message, and passed it around.

They all wrote something and passed me the pen and paper.
I wrote how sweet Louise was.
I want to keep it simple. I don't want to create any chaos. Also, I'm not in the mood to write some crazy stuff. That's another reason.

We all finished writing and gave him all the pieces we wrote.
"Okay, let's get started" He opened one and read aloud,

"Hector is a... Hey, that's not nice" he yelled and gave everyone this sad/angry look. Clarissa giggled and then laughed. "Clarissa, I know that was you" he pointed at her with a stupid frown and she rolled
her eyes.

He opened another and said, "Louise is the nicest person in this room" That was mine. She flipped her hair and smiled.

"Boring! I'm not going to guess who that was" he threw the paper. He kept reading dumb stuff we wrote And he said some really rude comments.

We were all uncomfortable. He just kept mocking us and talking crap.

"What's your problem?" Jacks yelled and Hector looked at him shocked.
"Ooooh, Jacks is mad" He pretends to act scared then laughs.
"We're tired of your comments and your bullshit. Why don't you leave" he pointed at the door.

Hector stood there shocked.
It surprised me seeing Jacks so defensive and angry. I was impressed with how he made Hector shut up. It needed to happen.

Hector decided to leave and the silence after that was intense.
"Whooooo, that was awesome! Haha," Clarissa yelled making us all flinch.
"Pretty good, Jacks," Louise said and he gave her a small smile. He sat on his bed once again and I sat next to him.
"Thanks," I said
"What for?" He asked with a confused face. "For shutting that idiot up" I smiled at him.

He looked into my eyes and I stared at him for a bit. His brown eyes were staring into my soul. and explain why I feel so paralyzed.
I broke out of it and stood up. Everyone was staring at us. Louise whispered something into Veronica's ear and Clarissa just saw us and she was living for what just happened.
"Well I'm going to go, it's a little late" I left quickly and they just sat there. I returned to my room and I decided to take a shower and then drift away to dreamland.

------ The first live episode ------

Today the live show starts, and we needed to leave the hotel at three for the stylist to get us ready and beautiful.
The show started at eight. I couldn't sleep because I was so anxious.

Only eight people will perform on this episode and tomorrow we have our first elimination. Two people will be eliminated depending on who got the least votes and streams.

I spent the entire morning practicing my performance just in case I get picked, ate lunch, and now I'm on my way to the stadium.

They took me to the three-star stylist. It was a young woman. She looked like she was still in her twenty's, pretty young, I'll admit.
"Hi Adryan, I'm your stylist, Soline. Just sit there and wait for me to finish with the others" I nodded and I sat in the place she told me to.

I waited for like an hour and Clarissa came out.
"Oh, hi Adryan!" She waved and walked to me.
"Um, wow. You look interesting" I said weirdly.

She wore an apocalyptic futuristic suit and her makeup was a mix of black, green, blue, and purple.
"I love it. It screams my name, like this, CLARISSA!" She loudly yelled and I flinched.
"Like that. Sorry if I scared you" she patted my shoulder and skipped away humming the same song she hummed yesterday. "Adryan Levithan," the stylist said and I followed her into the room.

The room was filled with many different stylists. And they immediately came to me and started measuring my height and weight.
"I have the perfect outfit"
"I'll do his makeup"
"I'll do his hair" They all talked once it was causing me a headache.
"Focus on the outfit. I'll work on hair and makeup" Soline said and took me to the chair.

She washed my hair with the most amazing-smelling shampoo ever. After washing my hair, she dried it and straightened it. My natural curls were gone.

The most painful part was when she ripped a few of my eyebrow hairs. She primed my face, added a bit of foundation and setting powder.

She finished and she handed me to the ones who were in charge of my outfit.
They demonstrated me the outfit and it was not that bad.
Some cowboy boots, dark jeans, a brown sleeveless shirt, and a black jacket.
"May I ask?" I said and they all nodded. "How did you come out with the outfit idea?"
"Oh easy, we just hear the song and that pretty much helps this," he said pointing at his head and I gave him a small laugh to make him feel like what he said was funny.

They dressed me and I looked in the mirror to look at the result. I looked hot, I've never said that about myself. I thanked everyone and I left. Jacks was in the waiting room with Louise and they were talking. They stopped when they saw me and Jacks looked shocked.
"Yesss, Adryan" she got up and twirled me. "Oh my god, you look beautiful," she said. "Thank you, Louise," I said and Jacks sat there staring at me. He decided to get up and talk to me.
"You look great," he said. Louise sat down and tried to hold her laughter.
"Thanks," I said nervously.
"I'll wonder what they'll do to me," he said. I laughed.
"No worries, it's ok. A little painful, but you'll look great, I promise"
"Thanks," he said and we just stood there awkwardly.
"So..." he was about to say something and Soline called him to get him ready.
"Forget it, see you later," he said and left.

Louise raised her eyebrows and laughed. "Ooooh, what was that?"
"Louise, stop. it was nothing" I said awkwardly and I left.
I waited for the show to start. The show was going to start in 20 minutes and they called us backstage. The host was there waiting for all of us.
"Is everyone here?" She asked. Everyone said "yes"
"Okay, you will sit on the chairs that are located on the stage. You will be sitting next to your roommate, and you know what to do if your name is called" I don't mind sitting next to Damien.
"Okay, everybody. Let's get started" she clapped once and gave us a wide smile

This was it!

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