Chapter 6: Jacks Chang (Remastered)

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I spent days working on a simple, yet unique choreography. The first night was only one day away.

Luckily we weren't going to sing tomorrow because they were going to show the auditions on Wednesday, and the artist's interviews on Thursday.

In fact, I was just getting ready for the interview. They say that this is where the competition actually begins because the people are going to see all of it.
Personality is very important, to make the fans like you. The interesting part is that it's going to be edited.

I dressed up pretty normally, a white t-shirt, blue ripped jeans, and a black jacket. Damien and I left our room and waited in line outside the set where we film music videos.

"I hate interviews. Am I the only one that feels pressured when doing one? Act a certain way, sit a certain way, don't say weird things" I faced palmed.
"At least, I'll show people my handsome face" Damien winked and I laughed.
"Very funny, I hope I don't collapse when she asks me a simple question," I said.

"Adryan Levithan" some guy called. I gave Damien a nervous look before I left. I followed the guy and entered the interview room.

I saw next to a familiar woman. Is she the one giving me the interview?
"Hi, Adryan. I'm the show's host Lillian. And I'll be interviewing you today" she said with one of the most bright smiles I've seen. That smile was easy to remember.

She's the woman from the video mom showed me. I didn't know that she was the host, I thought that she was some random promo lady.

"So how are you today?" She asked.
"I'm great, thanks. How are you?" I replied awkwardly.
"I'm wonderful, thank you" she answered and gave me a small nod and I returned her a smile. I felt uncomfortable. All this silence, and her staring at me with a smile that never left her face, Was so weird.

"Okay, so let's start. You got three stars in your audition, how do you feel?" she asked.

"It feels amazing, I didn't really expect it. I thought I was going to get one or none" I answered while playing with my fingers and tapping my foot nervously.
"Well, you did and congratulations" "Thank you," I said.
"So do you have any rivals at the moment?" She asked and I looked at her confused.
"No, I don't. I haven't really spoken to a lot of people since I got here" I answered.
"So, when you sent your application, you said that you wanted to win because of your family, am I right?" She asked.
"Yes, I just need to get them out of debt. I just can't stand to see them struggling" she looked impressed then nodded.
"I wish you the best of luck. Thank you for being here"
"You're welcome" I got up from my seat and I left. I've always complained about competitors in other shows using sob stories to win and I'm here doing the same thing.

I went to my room to get my laptop. I wanted to go to the lounge to try and write lyrics for my special song.

I was on my way to the lounge and someone suddenly bumped into me. My laptop fell and before it reached to ground someone catches it. I looked at him shocked. It was the guy from the studio.

"Dropped this," he said as he gave me back my laptop with a small grin.
"Thanks" I replied.
"Are you going to the lounge?" He asked. I just nodded awkwardly. I don't know why I'm always so awkward when I talk to this guy.
"What a coincidence, I was just about to go there" he smiled and crossed his arms. I continued walking and he followed.

I arrived at the lounge and he sat with me. "I'm Jacks Chang," So, that's his name. "I...I'm Adryan," I stuttered a little, Stop being awkward! He'll think you're weird, even though I kinda am when it comes to human interactions.

"Like what you saw yesterday?" He blurted out and I choked on my saliva. I knew what he meant. I wasn't going to answer him. All of a sudden my cheeks felt warm. I looked at him a bit and when he noticed he laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.
"You're cute," he said normally. My brain felt like it shut down for like ten seconds. Did he just call me cute? I don't even know this guy and he's calling me cute. What world am I living in?.

I was about to say something when someone sat next to Jacks. It was Clarissa.
"Hey guys," she said loudly.
"Hey, Clarissa" Jacks gave her a weird handshake.
"Did you see how weird was that interview?" Clarissa asked.
"Pretty normal to me," I said and she gave me an annoyed look.
"No, something was weird, especially the host"
"Clarissa, what are you talking about?" Jacks asked with a confused look.
"They didn't ask anything weird. They did ask if I made rivals and my story on how I got in" I explained.

Louise and another girl appeared and sat with us as well.
"Hi, guys. Who is excited to see the first episode tomorrow?" Louise said excitedly. "Oooh, yes. I can't wait to see the judge's face when I entered the room, they were so weirded out" said Clarissa and laughed loudly making us all flinch.
"Wait till you see my face, at that moment, I felt like I was about to faint," I said and they all laughed.
"They were charmed when they saw me," Jacks said. And of course, the judges were charmed. Look at him, he's Asian, got nice brown hair, and has a nice body.

"Everyone, let me introduce you to someone. this is my best friend Veronica" Louise introduces us to the girl sitting next to her.
"Hi," she said very softly.
"She's really shy. Only one judge liked her voice and the others thought she was cringy and quiet. Even though she has one star, she makes incredible music" Veronica smiled at her.

She looked like a sweet person, almost like me when I came into the auditions, I was a shy mess.

Some girls walked past Jacks and gave him winks and said hi, creepily. He didn't do a lot, he just gave them an uncomfortable smile and they walked away.

"Oooh, would you look at that? Jacks has some admirers" Clarissa said poking his arm repeatedly.
"Not interested, Clarissa," he said. And she laughed loudly once again.
"Yeah, they were ugly anyway" she shrugged and stopped laughing.
While we talked for a few more minutes Jacks kept staring at me and giving me these sexy grins. I tried to avoid them but it was too hard. I knew I was blushing and every time I felt my cheeks warm, I saw him laughing.

God, why am I like this?

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