Chapter 4: Damien Evans (Remastered)

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We arrive at the resort, and there was a guide waiting for us outside.
We exited the van and stood there waiting for the guide to give out instructions.
I heard a group of boys laughing and I looked at them.

It was two guys. They looked like they were set in the same style when created. Black leather jackets, one was tattooed while the other had a mysterious look on him.
Not gonna lie, the mysterious one was attractive. I can see his blue eyes from afar.

"Welcome everybody to the Starsdom resort. I'm your guide and I will show you along the way"
Wake up from your thoughts! I thought while I stopped looking at the two guys and paid attention to the guide.

he started walking and we all followed him. He stopped and started pointing at a stadium next to the hotel,
"this is the Starsdom stadium. Here you will sing, premiere your music videos, and the elimination ceremony" his smile never falls. Doesn't his mouth hurt from smiling too much?

He showed us the rest of the resort, it had a beach, a pool, and a big bar. We entered the hotel and he stopped again.

"You're all checked in already. All you need to do is go to the receptionist and they will tell you your room"

I can't wait to see my room. The first thing I'll be doing is throw myself on my bed and mess everything up as it was my own room.

"Ohh, I almost forgot... you will be sharing rooms with one person"
Some of the contestants groaned.
Well, there goes my thoughts of having a solo room.
"No, no. Don't complain. You will all get along trust me" he said and smiled again.

We made two lines at the receptionist's table. And they attended everyone quickly. It was finally my turn and she smiled at me and said,
"Adryan Levithan"
"You have room 312, and you'll be sharing it with Damien"
Damien? A guy? Let's just hope he's not a bully or weird like Clarissa.

She gave me my room card. I went to the elevator, and when I got in it was full of people I couldn't even breathe. I finally reached my floor and I looked for room 312.

I found it, Finally. I used my room card and I entered the room. I saw my suitcase on a bed and a guy was taking his stuff out of his suitcase. He flinched when I closed the door.

"Sorry," I said.
"You must be Adryan," he said softly. He had a soft, deep voice.
"You must be Damien," I said, as well. He's the guy I saw at the entrance talking to the other guy. The attractive one!

He smiled and I returned him one as well.
Damn, he's cute. He looks like my same height, has black wavy hair, some pieces fall in his face. I can see his light blue eyes from a far distance, and his black clothes that I already noticed. It looks good I'm not complaining. He's like those kinds of suspiciously intriguing guys. I'm staring at this guy and acknowledging every noticeable detail about him.

"How many stars did you get?" He asked as he continued to fold his clothes.
"Three," I said and he stopped
"Really?" He asked
"Yeah?" I said
"I got two" he continued folding his black clothes.
"Which side is yours?" I asked
"Huh?" He sounded confused.
"Um, sorry. In the drawer." I pointed. Gosh,

I'm so awkward, ugh. I can't even ask him what side of the drawer is his. I slapped myself repeatedly in my mind for that mess that just happened.

"I'll take the first two sides" He pointed. I opened my suitcase and saw everything the way I left it.
"We need to go to the lobby at 5 o clock For the tour of the hotel and dinner," Damien said and I nodded. I got my laptop out and I placed it in my bed and I looked at him, "are you a thief?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Oh, thank goodness," I said and he smiled but he didn't show his teeth. I smiled back.

It's 5 o clock and we regrouped at the lobby. The guide was standing there and he said, "Okay, let's get this started" Once again he was walking and we were following. He took us to a studio.

"Each of you will have a scheduled time to record music. This is the studio for the ones who got one star. We went to a second studio and it was a little bigger,

"This is the studio for the ones who have two stars" he took us to a third studio and it was way bigger and it had better equipment.

"This is for the ones who have three stars" that studio is insane. The equipment looks out of this world. I can't wait to work with it and create music.

After seeing all of the studios we went to a set.
"This is where you will film your music video for your most popular song. Which our amazing crew will help you all make magic in the screens"

He took us to a lounge, a gym, a pool. This place was huge.

He led us to the restaurant and after that amazing dinner and he gave us the schedules with our time to record.
I had, of course, tomorrow and I had three hours of recording time. The ones with three stars get more time to record. Because there are only four of us.
"You only have one week to work. the show starts in three days. But you will be singing next week because the show will start with the auditions" he left and people started organizing their schedules.

I left and I went to my room. Damien was already there strumming his guitar.
"How did you get here so fast?" I asked. "Grabbed my schedule and left" he shrugged.
"You only have one week to make the song" I added
"I know" he calmly said and continued strumming his guitar and taking notes. I grabbed my laptop and sat in my bed. I started searching for songs that I made home. All I needed was to re-record the vocals and work on a better production. I already searched for the song I wanted to work on. I just hope the fans like it

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