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[ 2.13 — 2.14 ]

Buffy slowly got out of bed, waking from a fitful sleep to refill her glass of water. As the Slayer left her room and walked down the hall, she was none the wiser to Drusilla, who was stalking her silently from behind.

Only when Buffy opened the bathroom door, she found herself suddenly at the Bronze. A slow song was playing as she ventured in, spotting Willow at a table with a large cup of coffee and a monkey sitting on the table next to her.

"L'hippo a pique' ses pantalons," Willow spoke to the monkey. Buffy wasn't good enough at French to understand.

The monkey squeaked as Buffy neared the table, watching Willow curiously. Willow smiled and waved, and Buffy reluctantly waved back, still not understanding.

Buffy continued to search the crowd for some kind of explanation, where she stumbled upon her mother. Joyce held a large mug and saucer and looked at Buffy expectantly as she came near. "Do you really think you're ready, Buffy?"

"What?" Buffy asked.

Then the saucer slipped from Joyce's hand, shattering on the floor. Joyce only turned and walked away, her appearance doing nothing to help Buffy understand.

Buffy searched the club again, passing by Willow and the monkey as she moved through the dancing bodies. There wasn't a band on stage, so she stood near that. A familiar set of wings caught her attention next.

"Kitty?" Buffy whispered to herself, not believing what she was seeing.

Kitty was dancing, pressed up close against Spike. Her fluffy wings were out, free for all the humans to see as she wrapped them around herself and Spike, as if they could block out the world around them. Then the evil vampire that Buffy was sure was dead turned his head to place a gentle kiss on the top of Kitty's left wing.

Of all the odd things Buffy had seen so far, that wigged her out the most. But before she could go and tear Spike off her friend, she spotted Angel across the room, standing by the pool table. Angel smiled warmly at her, and they began walking toward each other.

Drusilla appeared behind Angel suddenly, her horrid vampire face on display. Before Buffy could even blink, she staked him in the back.

"Angel!" Buffy shouted in fear. The two lovers reached out for the other, but before they could touch, Angel's hand fell to ashes, as did the rest of him.

Drusilla lowered the stake and took a few steps toward Buffy. There was a sick smile on her face that would continue to haunt Buffy's dreams. "Happy Birthday, Buffy."

Buffy's mind was pulled from the nightmare then as she woke, gasping for air. She sat up quickly and searched her empty room. It had been a long time since any of her dreams seemed to mean anything, but this one had her confused and terrified.

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