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[ sure, they had a little spat last chapter, but they're moving past it. the whole point of cupid's being so forgiving is so she can put up with all spike's shit. she rightfully came for his throat with that drusilla and harmony leaving him bit. now we're back to our regularly scheduled program.

and no, kitty doesn't understand what the fyarl demon says, so neither do we. not because i'm lazy — yes, because i'm lazy — but i like the confusion that accompanies only understanding one side of a conversation ]




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[ 4.12 ]

The lights were out in the rec room on campus, hiding all the bodies as they impatiently waited. Xander had a hand over Kitty's mouth as they crouched behind the pool table, keeping her from asking where Buffy and Willow were for the eighth time. She didn't have the patience for a surprise party, nor the lying skills, which meant they hadn't told Kitty about it until two hours ago.

Soon, the door was opening, and Buffy stepped inside holding a stake in hand — Willow's genius idea to get her there was to lie about some kind of fire demon. But when the lights came on and everyone jumped out to yell, "Surprise!" Buffy quickly hid her stake. She looked around the room, taking in the banner that read "Happy 19th Birthday Buffy!"

Kitty bounded over to Buffy excitedly and hugged her while Willow smiled. "Guess you won't be killing anything tonight, after all," Willow said, recalling Buffy's comment about not being in the mood for Slaying that night.

Buffy shot Willow a sly grin, never one to like surprise parties. "Don't be so sure."

"Come on," Kitty said, dragging her over to the crowd of people. "They wouldn't let me have any cake until you got here."

"Understandable, as it's my cake," Buffy said, shaking her head.

As the party got started, Buffy's mood increased. It was nice to just relax and have fun without worrying about demons and apocalypses. It was also her first official outing in public with Riley as her boyfriend, who she was happy to show off.

"Hey," Kitty said to Willow as they both got more cake. "How come you didn't invite that Tara girl?"

Tara, the girl from that Wiccan group, was someone Willow was spending more time with. As it turned out, she had actual knowledge of the supernatural and magic — her mother practiced it. Willow only mentioned Tara to Kitty a few times, but she could tell she enjoyed being around the girl a lot.

"Oh, uh, I didn't want to try and introduce someone to the friend group on Buffy's birthday," Willow said, shrugging. And truthfully, she kind of liked having a friend outside of the main gang. "She wouldn't know anyone."

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