Chapter 31

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It's been a week since they knew that I was dating Bill. They were all surprised and furious. Dad quarantined me for 3 days, thinking I was brainwashed by Bill, Dipper couldn't look at me at the same way, and Mabel was trying her best to cheer me up. The tension was real, I felt like I was a mistake in this family. Uncle Stan was kind of avoiding me too, I don't know! Soos was still shocked about it because he didn't knew it was coming. Wendy was mad at first but later on, she understood. She was my emotional support in the first night of my quarantined. I told her everything from the beginning to our end through the phone. She even stayed late just for me. I appreciate her so much.

I was staying at my Dad's old room for the rest of the summer, and for "safety precautions," he also Bill-proof my cabin. He tried to open Bill's room but it won't open. I tried to open it too but it was unaccessible. Dad tried to break the door too but it just won't. I guess Bill's door is closed forever. 

Also, I remember when I was interrogated for a day. All questions were always related to Bill but no one bothered to ask about my wellbeing. Since it happened, I cannot sleep properly and I always dreamed about it. It was horrible like a horrendous nightmare is replaying in your head over and over and over and over again! Guilt and remorse were eating me alive.

And it maimed me well... to think that he left me that day. I remember the way he looked at me. I was never able to forget it, it haunted me every night.

"I kept saying all people are gullible but I am too but in a different way. Thank you for letting me realize and feel that you're only a distraction to me."







I didn't understand him. Why did he say it? To hurt me? All I know is, I loved him dearly. What went wrong? I am pretty sure that disagreeing about his big plan is not the main reason.

Or maybe... I was a fool to think that I can change him. I was a fool to think that he'll choose me instead of his plan. Maybe I was a fool to think that Weirdmaggedon will never happen.

Was I blinded in love?

I– I don't know anymore. I didn't ask for this. I didn't know this is what summer brought to me.

I understand that they didn't like of what I did. Why did you keep it a secret? Why didn't you told us? When did you know that Bill has a human form? Do you know Bill Cipher is a danger in this world? Why did you fell in love with him? Are you a accomplice? I answered all of them with honesty as I was prepared to those kinds of question... except for one.

Family or him?

I was stunned. I struggled. I was pained.

"Family." I answered, truthfully even if it hurts. They were relieved. They were assured. I smiled weakly to them. Maybe I finally redeemed myself to them, not totally but gradually.

I have so many questions. They are constantly running and running in my mind, they are all left unanswered. I am tired. I need a break.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in." I answered. The door opened and it was my Dad.

"Hello, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm doing just fine." I smiled weakly. He sighed.

"I am very sorry, Y/n for having rough nights." He apologized.

"Hey, it's never your fault."

"It is. I should have not got in Gravity Falls in the first place. I never realize how foolish and stupid I was." I looked at him and listened more.

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