Chapter 15

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"Tonight, we will throw a 'Mystery Shack is Back' party after that Gideon's... incident," Mr. Stan was talking and walking around like a commander as we fell in line, standing straight.

"I want it to be the best party Gravity Falls ever had so it will be a karaoke party. Soos, you're in charge of the Stañatas, lights and the karaoke machine. Mabel and Y/n, you're in charge of the decorations, balloons, and food. Finally, Dipper and Wendy, you're in charge of the posters and setting the party up. Is that clear?" Stan ordered.

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Good, start now!" He walked away and we started doing our tasks. Mabel was busy on her phone, ordering food for the party. I placed balloons everywhere. After that, we grabbed all the party decorations and decorated it all over the shack. One hour later, we finished our tasks, went inside the shack and decided to play the Nyarf Game to spend the remaining time. Girls vs. Boys, I know it's not fair since we're three and they are two but who cares.

Nyarf Guns are set in the middle of the living room as the Nyarf Ammos as hidden somewhere.

"Okay, Three..." I counted. Both teams are getting ready. Soos moved his fingers, showing that he's focused on getting the gun first.

"Two..." Mabel and Wendy smiled in the way that we're gonna win. Dipper squinted his eyes.

"One! Go!" I ran immediately, making me the first one to grabbed the gun and ran. I roamed around quickly and safely to see where's the ammos are hidden. I found six ammos under the couch. I grabbed it and put it in my gun as I hold the five remaining ammos.

"Mabel down!" Mabel yelled, as she dramatically fell the on the ground. I heard their laughter. I peeked a little, revealing she's covered in ammos.

"Come out, come out! Whenever you are!" I hid professionally like I'm sort of a spy.

"Mabel! I-I'll avenge you!" Wendy grabbed her gun tightly and charged forward. Then, Dipper showed up and pointed his gun. He realized it was Wendy.

"O-Oh, it's you Wendy. I- Uh-" He stuttered.

"Don't worry, dude. I'm gonna help you, bam!" Soos successfully shot Wendy at her forehead.

"Nooooo!" She fakely coughed and acted like she's running out of breath.

"Y/n, I'm down! I know you can hear me. Avenge us! Aveeeeenge usssss!" She said in defeat and she exaggerated died in our game. 

"Two down! One left! We're gonna win for sure, dude."

"Don't worry, I got you!" I shot the gun and they easily dodged it. I hid quickly as I loaded my gun with plastic ammo. I shot my gun but I failed again. They were coming for me and I started running.

"Stop running!" Dipper said. Soos shot his gun and I dodged the ammo.

"Never!" I laughed.

"No fair, I got these noodle legs." Dipper panted.  I turn around and I shot Dipper successfully, making him sigh.

"Go Y/n!" Mabel cheered.

"Yeah, you're absolutely killing it!" Wendy joined Mabel.

"Come on Soos, you can do it!" Dipper cheered Soos.

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