Chapter 32

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"Dad, I have something to tell you." We're in the basement, busy studying and thinking about what to do with the rift. It's kinda bothering us since it appeared to have a small crack.

"I have something to tell you too." He said.

"I'll go first." I breathed deeply.

"I am going back home today." I said nervously. He looked so surprised.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well, summer is almost over so does my vacation here. Mom's been asking me to go home." I lied.

"Oh, that's- I'm going to miss you." My dad said to me.

"Well, you can visit me there." I said.

"I think your mother's going to freak out if she sees me." He said.

"She would flip out. I can imagine it already, but I think it's better to reconcile with her. Maybe, all this time she's waiting for you and your apology."

"Well, let's see that." He responded.

"Did the twins know about this?" He changed the topic.

"Actually, no. I'm going to tell them later. I'm still waiting for the right timing."

"I'm pretty sure they will miss you a lot." He remarked.

"Maybe, it's not like I'm going away forever, I'll visit them for sure."

"Wait... They are planning their birthday party today. I need to go." I'm about to run when he stopped me.

"Can I hug you one last time?" He asked.

"One last time? C'mon, Dad. I'm going back again. It's not like I'm going to die or go away forever." I chuckled.

"Just let me." I nodded and he hugged me.

"I don't have a chance to see you again later. I have a quest to get the adhesive for the rift. I'm so sorry about it. One day, I'll make it up for the times I am not with you as a father." He hugged me tighter

"And I am going to miss you too." I said and broke free from the hug.

"Wait, I have something to tell you. I am so so-"

"I already knew, Dad, that you left us for your research... Well, at least you regret it, right?" I looked at the floor.

"I know it is rough for me to take in, but I am still glad that I got to know and see you, Dad." I gave him a bittersweet smile. He looked at me sadly.

"But don't worry, because, at the end of the day, I forgive you." And this time I gave him a genuine smile.

"I'm so lucky to have an understanding and kind daughter like you." He said.

"Of course! See you again, Dad." I went to the corner to pick up my bag.

"See you too."

I walked carefully and went to the elevator. Once the door was closed, I looked inside my bag and sighed in relief. The rift is safe and sound. Now, you're probably wondering why I have the rift. Did my Dad know about this? The answer is no. Yup, you read it right.

Uncle Stan and Dad's argument is not the main reason why I'm going back home. I thought of a plan that may stop Weirdmaggedon and this time I am quite sure that it'll work, and that is taking the rift with me. Once I got home, I'll put it in a safe box and probably bury it in the backyard. Weirdmageddon is already driving me nuts every night so today I am very determined to prevent it.

And, there is no way Bill can leave this town. Dad taught Dipper and I about Gravity Falls, why the town's weird, full of anomalies, and supernaturals, it's because Gravity Falls is a weirdness magnet. The town can attract all sorts of weirdness. So, I concluded that Bill will be trapped in this place.

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