chapter 1

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as i step into my new school, some of a group of students chatting and some of them saw me and talk about it

yes i just got transferred to this school because of my dad's new work, all the same reason like in a movie

the bell rings and everyone goes to their class, i checked my schedule class and a kinda little bit lost

i saw a blonde girl lean back against lockers and sucking a lollipop but she wore kinda funny though? or maybe kinda cool

"um hi, excuse me. i'm kinda-"

"shut the fuck up" she glared at me while holding her lollipop

"i-i'm s-sorry uhhh..." i started to freak out and look down

"what a scardy cat" she said to herself and start to walk off to her class

i lift my head to see her walk into her class which is... MY CLASS!? no no no i won't survive if she's my classmate

i peek in the lab and then the teacher spot me right away

"oh you're the new kid, what are you doing there. come on here introduce yourself" the teacher exposed me and that was really embarrassing

"um... hi, i'm y/n l/n and it's nice to meet all of you. i hope we can be good friends" i look at them and some of them cheer for me, sneakingly eating and... DELINQUENTS??

"aww, that's so cute, l/n!! can i call you y/n??  yes i hope you don't mind. oh that's right, i'm hange zoe, your science teacher and that is obviously we're in science lab" they laughed and i just smiled awkwardly

"ok now, you can seat next to... hmm, ah yes! annie leonhardt. the one with piercings which is not allowed and a blonde girl back there" they pointed at the 'scary'girl i just met

"ok, thank you again, teacher hange" i bowed a little and go to the back of the class with this 'annie' there

i sat down and put my stuff down beside me. i took out my book and sketchbook to doodle while listening to teacher hange about the mixture of acid and alkali

"hmm, that's kinda cute" the girl beside me mumble that i could hear her

"r-really?" i turn to her and a kinda little bit nervous since she's scary

"who's talking to you, idiot" she faces the other way

"hahaha... " geez this is awkward

i spotted her notebook and saw a cute cat doodles drawings

"hey, that's very cute!" i complimented her while getting a little closer to her

"what the hell! you're a stalker or something? " she said while closing her notebook

"oh! sorry, i didn't mean to. but it is cute though" i whispered the last part

we both went silent and i just wrote some notes from what teacher hange wrote on the whiteboard



"are you stupid? that's my name"

"oh! yes i knew that" i went silent again

"aren't you going to tell me your name?"

"oh! um yes... y/n, nice to meet you?"

"yeah whatever"

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