chapter 8

528 11 4

i arrived at the place where sasha and the other meet up. it's kinda a little bit scary how old it is

"well, aren't you going in?" i look beside me and it was annie said it to me

"u-um, yeah!" we both walk together inside and our friends are already there

"heyy!! happy recovery day for y/n!!!" sasha said to me and everyone was just staring at sasha weirdly

"even if it's sound shit from sasha... but yeah! glad you're better now, y/n" connie coming from behind sasha and sasha pout at connie

"hehe.. t-thanks you guys!" i thanked them for inviting me here and celebrate

"yeaahh! who's ready to draw some masterpiece?" sasha said out loud while putting her arms around my shoulder

everyone cheered a bit but some of them already started first like annie and eren

"mmmm!! so good!" i sat on an old sofa with sasha eating her ramen

"sasha! you said your gonna buy us some food for us, stop buying for yourself" connie yelled at her while he was drawing on the wall with a can spray

"w-whuttt?? i-im...nut gonya buy fer.. you geyss. i'm.. baying for y/n onrii!" she said with her ramen stuffed in her mouth

"sasha, i don't speak alien, use a fucking english" jean said while marco just smiled awkwardly

i saw annie crouched at the corner and i went to her. annie was drawing too and i crouched next to her

"y-your drawings  are a-always cute, annie.." i said to her while she was focusing on her drawing

"what the-?! you scared the shit out of me" she cover her drawing to not let me see them

"s-sorry! but... um.. do you.. h-have more color pencils?" i asked her to borrow some

she sighed and hand it me some of her color pencil's

we draw together and exchange for our art. she drew a cat that is me and i drew her a cat as her side by side. we wrote our names together and i have to admit, it was kinda fun to draw with her again.

"hey! is there someone there!" a person echoed the building

"oh! shit! run for it guys!" jean said it out loud to us

annie grabbed my hand and we run to the exit of the building. we both laugh when we saw sasha struggling to eat her ramen while connie trying to take away the ramen from her, and the fact we both got caught by someone

"hahahaha!!" we were still laughing until i stop realizing she laughs

"hey! y-you laughed! this i-is my first time seeing you l-laugh"

"haha........ i-i didn't laugh, you've gone crazy that's why" she drop her smile and look the other way with her usual blank face

"y-you did! you should s-smile or l-laugh more often.." i nervously pointed my lips

"shut. it. i didn't shit laughed" she crossed her arms

"hey...! guys...! that was close right? come on, let's... go have... a bite!" sasha found us and lead us to everyone gathered

i sat beside annie and everyone was chatting while waiting for our food to arrive

"y/n, glad you're fine now. i did hear that you're sick but i don't give a fuck, sorry not sorry" eren sat across us

"o-oh, t-that's ok. i-i'm not u-upset or anything!"

"yeah, because i knew annie's going to help you to get better" eren said again

"shut it, fucking weird bun hair" annie said to him because he annoys her with the 'took care of me' topic

"i know you like them" eren said to her again but she glared at him very hard and mikasa gives the glare back at her

well, this is not going to be good

in the end sasha paid for us all so i told her i'll treat her something tomorrow and she was happy, hugged me up and down. everybody starts to make their way home and as i saw annie was about to go, i called out to her

"u-um, a-annie! wait!"

"what do you want?" she looks back at me

"uh.... i'm s-sorry i didn't tell y-you this yet but..." i look the other way and back to her

"t-thank you, for t-taking care of me"

"you  did say that before" she's whispered, i couldn't hear her that much

"u-um, sorry?"

"yeah, whatever. see you tomorrow" she walked to her destination

"o-oh! yeah! s-see you at school!" i yelled a bit so she could hear me

today is really fun

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