chapter 5

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"oh! h-here for you.." i handed her a water bottle

"mm, thanks" she grab it and our fingers touched

annie and i saw her hand sparkle like the last time i saw. now we both still couldn't believe what we just saw

"annie, i-it happened again!" i said

once the sparkle was gone, she look at her hand. she thought maybe we had both gone insane

"h-how do y-you feel?" i asked her

"good i guess" she said that still weird out

"um... you know that r-reiner touched you, right? and it d-doesn't seem it  work but.. only w-when i.. t-touch you..." i said while telling her this fact

"your right about that"

"w-well... i'm not s-sure what t-this means.. but... i t-think is our f-friendship b-boundary...?" i whispered a little at the last part

"i guess so, you wanted to be my friend since yesterday" she said

"m-mm! i'm glad i c-could heal you a-annie!" i smile at her and she blushed, turning the other direction

it's been 4 days since i got used to this school and got along with some friends. i guess thanks to annie, i got to talk to them and became my first friend here. the delinquents are not that bad but i think annie is the nicest delinquent i've met so far

i was taking out my textbook from my locker and shut them when i see someone besides me

"o-oh! y-you scared m-me!" i calmed my heart

"oh geez! i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you like that" it was a girl, short brown haired

"i heard your new here, like... um 4 days ago right? im sorry i couldn't greet you that time, you know busy with school"

"uh.. t-that's ok.. i get it"

"yeah, i'm hitch dreyse by the way but you can call me hitch" she smiled at me

"i-i'm...y/n l/n"

"y/n! cute name! so... i heard you hang out with annie? is that right?" she asked

"um.. yes, w-why do y-you ask?"

"oh nothing really, but i hope i could also be your friend?"

"o-oh r-really?! um.. i-i like that too" i said nervously

"greatt! here's my phone number" she grabbed her phone and i also did the same

"do you have any plans to eat with someone? i thought we could chat more!"

"um..! sure, w-we could eat t-together!"

"cool! i'll see you later, y/n" she left and now walking off with her group

looks like i have a new friend!

i talk to hitch and her friends at the cafeteria. they all seem nice and cheerleaders too but they definitely not the kind of people who would hang out with someone like me

"so... what does it feel like to hang out with a bitc- i mean, a delinquent like annie?" hitch asked me

"u-umm... i-it's fine.. i guess. she r-really a good f-friend"

"haha..... good to know that" hitch laugh awkwardly while the others look at me weirdly

they keep chatting and i was eating my lunch

"y/n?" someone said while they tapped my shoulder

"what are you doing here?" it was annie

"o-oh! i made a-a new friend today.. this is h-hitch and her friends..!" i said happily

"why are you eating with her?" she asked looking at hitch

"oh noo.., i'm sorry i borrowed your bestie. we just want to get to know each other" hitch said to annie

"no, i don't care but i just want to talk to her for a sec" annie then look at me "alone"

"s-sure, i'll come b-back later, hitch" i waved at her and she did the same with a grin on her face

"why did you talk to her?" annie asked

"w-what do you m-mean...? i can't t-talk to her?"

"listen y/n, hitch is not a person you think she is, she.. (sigh) she was my girlfriend but it didn't go well because she's a bitch. she was just dating me to impress herself and i don't want you to get involved with someone like her" annie confessed

"o-oh..! i'm sorry that h-happened to y-you.. do y-you still.. l-love her...?"

"well, no. but i thought i could start liking her properly but she was a bitch after all"

"i-i... i'm sorry annie, i don't t-think i could j-just ignore a p-person who asked to be my f-friend... but! i'll try to a-avoid talking to h-her" i try to calm annie down with the suggestion

she doesn't seem to agree that much but since she knew i was that kind of person so she let it go and after all, she said she could protect me if she does anything funny

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