chapter 11

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(y/n's flashback)

"y/n, it's time to go now" my friend called me for the class was about to start and we were having lunch at the cafeteria

"hm? o-oh, i-i'm sorry..." i got up and throw my rubbish inside the trash can

"that's ok, come on" she walk first, i run to level her phase

"ok, l/n. what's the answer for question 3?" my teacher called me

"t-the moral of the story is... you will get there, o-only you wouldn't understand y-yourself" i answered

"good, l/n and the others take notes for...." the whole lesson goes on while i just doodle but i heard the teacher lecture

"ok, see you tomorrow, y/n" she waved at me and left me, i waved her back to my only friend

i saw some family restaurants full of families and friends but they were just my imagination. everyone rarely goes to restaurants especially students, how sad is that

i arrived home, my dad hasn't arrived yet but it was just my mother. "how's school today?" she asked while making a dinner

"as u-usual..." i smile a bit at my mom and went to my room to get a shower

the entire dinner was quiet but just a munching sound. maybe there is no interesting to talk about in dad's work today, just like me

i slept early, after all, i got school tomorrow and my daily routine is just the same. wake up. go to school and have dinner at my house.

only one friend. boring
a teacher gives praise that means nothing. boring
girls who talk about their boyfriend. boring
gossiping. boring
a normal family. boring
having a normal life. how boring

but i didn't hate everyone, so please... just take me to the world where i at least could feel happiness inside me

"shut the fuck up" a blonde girl leaning against the locker said to me like that in our first meet

"i-i'm s-sorry... uhh..." i look down because she's scared me

"what a scardy cat" she left

'no one had said to me like that before...., how strange..' i felt kinda attached to her after what she told me

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