chapter 3

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it was the last period and i still haven't talked to anyone or explored the school

annie was kinda nice to me for a while despite our first impression was really bad

i was going to my class and saw annie walking in my direction. i was about to wave at her and then....

"move out of the way!" she pushed me hard that i bumped into someone and they're food fell to the floor

"whoah! noooo!! my beloved food!" they on the ground, crying over a food

"who the hell- omg are you ok? annie, that was not cool. you pushed her and you ruined my food" she scolded annie and was really upset about her food

"this scardy cat was at my way" she glared at us and left

"i-i'm so s-sorry about your food. do you want me to get another food?" i said to her that because i felt bad

"REALLY!?" she said with a sparkle in her eyes

"w-well... maybe i could buy you some bread?" i asked nervously

"YAY! that will do! meet you in front of the gate after school. oh, i almost forgot, i'm sasha blouse and you are...?" the brunette har girl introduced herself

"i-i-i'm y/n l/n.... nice to meet you sasha"

"nice to meet you too! see you later, y/n" she waved at me and ran for her class

i waved back at her and go to my last class. what was that all about? does annie don't like me anymore? i mean, i don't know she took the like on me as a friend. but what should i do when i see her again?

i run to sasha who is waiting at the front gate, waved to me

"heyy!! ready to go?"


"ok, let's go to this new bakery i saw yesterday. oh! you're new in this town right, y/n? don't worry! i'll show you...." sasha keeps talking and i just hummed to her

i was looking back at the school to see if annie has gone out. why do i care if she went home or not? she was being mean to me or at least... i don't know

we went to this bakery together and i paid for her and mine. we part our ways. well, the good thing is i made a friend.... talking about friends.... did annie was trying to.... no, what am i thinking? that will be the last option i could think of why she would push me.

i heard a bunch of punches while i was on my way home

it was near a basketball court. i hide so i won't get in trouble. it was annie?! and this other guy fighting but it seems annie has won

"you lost again, dickhead" annie said to him

"tch, don't think you won a million times, cheetah" he got up and run away

"hmph, what a waste of time" annie rubbed her cheek because a little bruises on it

she sat down on a bench to take a rest. i walked up to her slowly because the fight i just saw still terrified me

"what? are you trying to pick a fi-" she was kinda shocked, out of all people out there and it was me who showed up to her

"u-um a-annie...? a-ar-re you o-ok?" i asked her

"why the fuck are you here? where's your other bestie?" she was kinda irritated but somehow kinda calm

"i was just about to go home and... do..y-you... h-hate me?" i asked nervously

"we just met and i don't care that much about you" she said blankly

"o-oh... i-i see.. then i guess we're just a-acquaintance..." i said holding a little bit tears in my eyes

i sighed and she look at me weirdly and blankly since she was tired

"u-um here, i-i bought them with s-sasha and h-here" i gave her the bread, milk box, and handkerchief

she stared at the stuff and then to me. she take them from my hand and didn't say anything

"i-i'll be g-going now..." as i was about to turn around, i stumble between my feet and almost fall

i accidentally hugged her around her neck and she was hugging my waist to catch me. my heart was beating fast because of the fall, as i was about to release her, i saw a little light on her cheek like sparkle and now her bruises was gone

"a-annie! you're bruised is g-gone!" i said it while pointing at her cheek, still hugging her

"w-what!? don't joke around with me" she touched her cheek

"..i don't feel hurt that much anymore..." she was kinda shocked too

we realized that our faces are close now and our faces became red. we released ourselves and look at the other way

"uhm! is a good thing you h-healed magically now! maybe you have power, you just found out today! ok, so see you tomorrow! bye!" i run as fast as i can, while my heart still beating at the event that just happened

ugghh!! what was that?? i'm so awkward too. why do i have to embarrass myself like that?? i don't know what was all that sparkle thingy. i think she had that kinda power since the beginning, but i'm not sure what to say!!

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