chapter 16

636 16 1

the rest of the day was just both of us hanging out, catching up about ourselves

sasha and the others were really glad the plan worked but sasha has some tears of joy when she hugged me

|| the next day

"mmm! mm! thus ish so... goooddie!" sasha said eating her chicken sandwich

"oh, right sasha! give me some here!" connie said trying to steal her food again

"would guys stop fucking messing around?" jean said, standing in front of them and they look at him confused

jean was trying to steal the sandwich from sasha too and the three of them starts to fight like dogs, desperately needing food

then, there was this cat. it said something like....

"shut the fuck up" it was annie

the dogs sit properly and tremble because of how scary the cat was but look a little bit calmer when they see me. 'hahaha... that was kinda cute how i imagined them' i thought to myself

"do you want to stay a little longer, y/n?" annie asked me if i want to hang around with my friends in the cafeteria

"o-oh, no no... that's ok... i'll be going now guys..." i waved at them and they waved at me back but didn't make eye contact with annie

we both went to our favourite spot which is at the back of the school but looks like someone else has the same opinion

"well, looks like there are two love birds here to make out just like us" eren said to us and mikasa beside him

"shut the fuck up weird-ass hair" annie showed the middle finger to eren and mikasa was going to beat her

"ok, i get it. i get it. we'll be off now and also  don't go fuck too hard on little y/n, annie" he said while walking away with mikasa

annie just rolled her eyes and i laughed awkwardly. she notice me feeling a little bit uncomfortable, she nervously hold my hand

"don't worry we're not going to do it right away..." annie said concerned about me

"mm..! hahaha.... did you worried about me?" i held her hand too and chuckled a little

"hmm... you seem not so comfortable with them... so i thought..." her eyes gaze at the other way

"w-well.. i guess that is kinda true...i'm not used to their jokes yet...."

"it's ok. if they try to do anything funny to you, i'll beat their assess. so...just relax.. i'll protect you" annie scratched the back of her neck and blushed a little

"t-thanks, annie! i'll..protect you too!" i hold both of her hands and smile at her

she was suprised a bit at my words but then smile a little at me

"mm, yeah. i'll be counting on you then" she said

even the both of us know our healing power is gone but we'll be looking for each other from now on

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